Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Unaccompanied minor refugees 1996-2018: Demographics, education, employment and income. Reports 2020/13 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Short term jobs: Who change their job within one year Reports 2020/12 Labour market and earnings
R&D subsidies from Research Council of Norway and firm performance in the period 2006-2018 Reports 2020/11 Technology and innovation
Economic trends for Møre og Romsdal Reports 2020/10 National accounts and business cycles
Use of inorganic and organic fertilisers in agriculture 2018 Reports 2020/09 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Refugees inside and outside the labour market 2018 Reports 2020/08 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Effects of an intervention promoting targeted mathematics teaching in secondary school Reports 2020/07 Education
Revisions in the annual national accounts Reports 2020/06 National accounts and business cycles
Family immigration and marriage patterns 1990-2018 Reports 2020/05 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Online cross-border payments using payment cards for 2010–2018 Reports 2020/04 External economy, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Agriculture and environment 2019 - state and development Reports 2020/03 Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Resettlement refugees 2019 Reports 2020/02 Population, Immigration and immigrants
People aged 16-39 years with immigrant background in employment and education 2018 Reports 2020/01 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Effects of changes in electricity prices on the power-intensive industries and other sectors in Norway towards 2030 Reports 2019/43 Energy and manufacturing
Municipal wastewater: Expenditures, investments, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge 2018. Wastewater fees 2019 Reports 2019/42 Nature and the environment