Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Regional projections of demand for health and care services, 2017-2035 Reports 2019/26 Health, Labour market and earnings
Persons entitled to vote in the municipal and county council elections 2019: Including historical tables 1975-2015 Reports 2019/25 Elections
Workplace segregation among employed with immigrant background in Norway Reports 2019/24 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Pesticide use in agriculture in 2017 Reports 2019/23 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Nature and the environment
Energy in the SNOW model: Description of production and consumption of energy in Norway in the base year 2013 Reports 2019/22 National accounts and business cycles, Energy and manufacturing
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents - demography, education, work and income Reports 2019/21 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Health workers workplace and newly graduated health workers affiliation with working life Reports 2019/20 Health, Labour market and earnings
Teacher competence in the primary and lower secondary school: Main results 2018/2019 Reports 2019/18 Education
Immigrants and the general election 2017 Reports 2019/17 Elections, Immigration and immigrants
Long run effects on government finances and national income in Norway of changes in fertility Reports 2019/16 National accounts and business cycles, Population
Agricultural land converted to built-up areas for agricultural production Reports 2019/15 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Nature and the environment
Digitalisation in the Norwegian municipalities: State analysis for 2018 Reports 2019/14 Technology and innovation, Public sector
Settlement municipality and integration among adult refugees in Norway Reports 2019/13 Population, Immigration and immigrants
The demand for labour in the Norwegian Health and Long-Term-Care sector towards 2060 Reports 2019/12 Labour market and earnings, Health
Projecting the labour market for personnel in health and care towards 2035 Reports 2019/11 Labour market and earnings, Health