Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Marginal abatement costs under EU’s effort sharing regulation: A CGE analysis Reports 2019/10 Nature and the environment
Houshold payments for kindergarten, January 2019 Reports 2019/09 Education
Scenarios for future accessibility of the Norwegian housing mass Reports 2019/08 Construction, housing and property
Revisions in the annual national accounts Reports 2019/07 National accounts and business cycles
Employment in Norway from 2000 to 2017 — Exploring the Role of Compositional Changes Reports 2019/06 Labour market and earnings
Agriculture and Environment 2018: State and Development Reports 2019/05 Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Nurses' workplace and newly graduated nurses affiliation with working life Reports 2019/04 Health
Physicians’ workplace and newly graduated physicians affiliation with working life Reports 2019/03 Health
Does households that qualify for housing benefits recieve it? Reports 2019/02 Construction, housing and property, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Refugees inside and outside the labour market 2017 Reports 2019/01 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Municipal wastewater 2017: Expenditures, investments, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge 2017. Wastewater fees 2018 Reports 2018/40 Nature and the environment
Occupational structure 2000-2017 Reports 2018/39 Labour market and earnings
Former participants in the Introduction programme 2011-2015 Reports 2018/38 Education, Immigration and immigrants
Immigrant households, their composition and housing conditions Reports 2018/37 Population, Immigration and immigrants, Construction, housing and property
Projections of the labour force and employment by education towards 2035 Reports 2018/36 Labour market and earnings, Education