Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Decline in fertility from 2010: The relevance of education, economic activity and economic ressources for first and third births Reports 2017/12 Population
Immigrants and the 2015 municipal and county council elections Reports 2017/10 Elections, Immigration and immigrants
Fiscal multipliers in the Norwegian economy Reports 2017/09 National accounts and business cycles
Refugees inside and outside the labour market 2015 Reports 2017/08 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Household payments for kindergarten, January 2017 Reports 2017/07 Education
The disadvantaged in the housing market: Measuring who is disadvantaged Reports 2017/06 Construction, housing and property
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform. 2016 Reports 2017/05 Labour market and earnings
Agriculture and environment 2016: State and Development Reports 2017/04 Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Immigration, immigrants and subjective wellbeing Reports 2017/03 Population, Immigration and immigrants, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Differences in the value added of primary and lower secondary schools in Norway: A quantitative study Reports 2017/02 Education
R&D in Norwegian businesses 1970-2014: A historical journey Reports 2017/01 Technology and innovation
Use of biological control agents and chemical pesticides in greenhouses in 2015 Reports 2016/45 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Nature and the environment
The importance of a financial accelerator in the enterprise sector: Estimation results and simulation experiments using the macro-econometric model KVARTS Reports 2016/44 National accounts and business cycles, Banking and financial markets
Daytime activity programmes in care services: User categories and contents. Reports 2016/43 Health
Disabled people on the labour market in Norway and Sweden in 2015 Reports 2016/42 Labour market and earnings, Health