Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration 2016 Reports 2016/41 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Municipal wastewater 2015: Expenditures, investments, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge 2015. Wastewater fees 2016 Reports 2016/40 Nature and the environment
Family immigration and marriage patterns 1990-2015 Reports 2016/39 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Effects of in-work tax credits on labour supply among immigrants Reports 2016/38 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
The wealth of Norwegian raw oil and natural gas: 1970-2015 Reports 2016/37 Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles
Free child care in Oslo: Report 1: Following the children in third grade Reports 2016/36 Education
Income mobility among households with children: 2007 - 2014 Reports 2016/35 Income and consumption, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Resource rents in Norwegian Hydropower Reports 2016/34 Energy and manufacturing
Disabled people on the labour market in 2016 Reports 2016/33 Labour market and earnings, Health
Accumulation of welfare problems Reports 2016/32 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Education-specific labour force and demand in Norway in times of transition Reports 2016/31 Labour market and earnings, Education
The economic welfare of low-income households 2016 Reports 2016/30 Income and consumption, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Lifelong learning 2008-2016: Results from the Learning Conditions Monitor Reports 2016/29 Education
Dental health among adults in Sweden and Norway: A Socio-economic Analysis Reports 2016/28 Health
Emigration among immigrants in Norway -: Vol 2: Analyses based on micro data Reports 2016/27 Population, Immigration and immigrants