Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Nursing and care services 2015: Statistics on services and recipients Reports 2016/26 Health
Macro-economic analysis for Norway of the EU climate policy up to 2030 Reports 2016/25 Nature and the environment, National accounts and business cycles
Former participants in the Introduction programme 2009-2013 Reports 2016/24 Education, Immigration and immigrants
Children and young adults with an immigrant background Reports 2016/23 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Immigrant women from the EU countries (except the Nordic countries) on the labour market Reports 2016/22 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Household payments in kindergartens, January 2016 Reports 2016/21 Education
Demand for labour and residental care in the long term care sector towards 2060 Reports 2016/20 Health, Labour market and earnings
Health care personnel 2000 - 2014. Actual development versus earlier projections Reports 2016/19 Labour market and earnings, Health
Innovation in the business enterprise sector 2012-2014 Reports 2016/18 Technology and innovation
Spillover-effects from the offshore petroleum to the mainland economy Reports 2016/17 National accounts and business cycles, Energy and manufacturing
Evaluating energy efficiency policies: an overview of economic literature Reports 2016/16 Energy and manufacturing
Main driving forces for the development of energy consumption Reports 2016/15 Energy and manufacturing
Agriculture and Environment: State and Development 2015 Reports 2016/14 Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Home-based care services: User categories and organisation Reports 2016/13 Health
Evaluation of R&D- and innovation-supporting policies Reports 2016/12 Establishments, enterprises and accounts, Technology and innovation