Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
The Income and Wealth of Households with Children 2004-2014 Reports 2016/11 Income and consumption
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform. 2015 Reports 2016/10 Labour market and earnings
Employment and education among young people with immigrant background 2014 Reports 2016/09 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Quasi-experimental estimates of targeted learning support on student achievement Reports 2016/08 Education
Healthy life centres in Norwegian municipalities Reports 2016/07 Health
Study of labour mobility showing employment and migration among immigrants Reports 2016/06 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Population
Sami statistics 2016 Reports 2016/05 Population
Knowledge intensive activities in Norway Reports 2016/04 Technology and innovation, Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Immigrant workers from EU/EEC - a demographic overview Reports 2016/03 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Pesticide use in agriculture in 2014 Reports 2016/02 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Nature and the environment
Lifelong learning 2008-2015: Results from the Learning Conditions Monitor Reports 2016/01 Education
Simultaneous use of governmental and municipal welfare benefits Reports 2015/55 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Disabled people on the labour market in 2015 Reports 2015/54 Labour market and earnings, Health
Municipal wastewater 2014: Expenditures, investments, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge. Wastewater fees 2015 Reports 2015/53 Nature and the environment
Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration 2015 Reports 2015/52 Population, Immigration and immigrants