Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Participation, support, trust and belonging Reports 2015/51 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Student life and economic conditions: Norwegian results from Eurostudent V in a European perspective Reports 2015/50 Education, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Wage equations and labour demand by education Reports 2015/49 Labour market and earnings
Employment in the petroleum industry and related industries 2014 Reports 2015/48 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
Prison inmates' living conditions 2014 Reports 2015/47 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Prison inmates' living conditions 2014 Reports 2015/47 Social conditions, welfare and crime
A Gloomy Economic Future? Reports 2015/46 National accounts and business cycles
Innovation in the business enterprise sector 2011-2013 Reports 2015/45 Technology and innovation
Local variation in longterm care Reports 2015/44 Health
The demographics and living conditions of immigrants in Groruddalen, Søndre Nordstrand, Gamle Oslo and Grünerløkka Reports 2015/43 Population, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants
Health and care services 2014: Statistics on services and recipients Reports 2015/42 Health
Labour Market Projections for Teachers Reports 2015/41 Labour market and earnings, Education
Expenses for dental treatment: A socioeconomic analysis of adult recipients of national insurance reimbursements Reports 2015/40 Health
Life expectancy and disbursement of early retirement pension in different occupations Reports 2015/39 Health, Population, Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Norwegian language training and employment among immigrants granted residence permit in 2009 Reports 2015/38 Education, Immigration and immigrants