Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Facts about entrepreneurship in Norway: Who become entrepreneurs and how do they perform? Reports 2013/52 Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Disabled people on the labour market in 2013 Reports 2013/51 Labour market and earnings, Health
Attitudes towards Norwegian development aid, 2013 Reports 2013/50 Public sector
Immigrants on the labour market: Data from the Labour Force Surveys Reports 2013/49 Labour market and earnings
Forecasting demand and supply of labour by education Reports 2013/48 Labour market and earnings, Education
MSG-TECH: Analysis and documentation of a general equilibrium model with endogenous climate technology adaptations Reports 2013/47 National accounts and business cycles, Nature and the environment
Settlement (or Residential) and migration patterns among immigrants and their children born in Norway Reports 2013/46 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Timeuse among women and men in different phases of life and family types Reports 2013/45 Culture and recreation, Population
Paid and unpaid work among fathers and mothers: Change and variation 1970-2010 Reports 2013/44 Culture and recreation, Population
Nursing and care services 2012: Statistics on services and recipients Reports 2013/43 Health
Adult skills in Norway: First results from the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) Reports 2013/42 Education
The demand for labour by education: a sectoral model of the Norwegian economy Reports 2013/41 Labour market and earnings
Immigrant poverty dynamics: An empirical evaluation for the period 1993-2011 Reports 2013/40 Income and consumption, Immigration and immigrants
Abatement options in Norway and the EU towards 2050 given cost-effective implementation of the global 2 degree objective Reports 2013/39 Nature and the environment
Living conditions for veterans Reports 2013/38 Social conditions, welfare and crime