Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Disabled people: Indicators for living conditions and equality Reports 2013/08 Health
Unmet needs for dental services: International comparisons and analyzes of social and regional inequalities in Norway Reports 2013/07 Health
Student mobility: Recruitment to studies and supply of post-graduates in a geographical perspective Reports 2013/06 Education
Employment in the petroleum industry and related industries 2011 Reports 2013/05 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
Refugees and the labour market, 4th quarter 2011 Reports 2013/04 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
LOTTE-Konsum - a microsimulation model for distributional effects of indirect taxes Reports 2013/03 Income and consumption
Excise taxes, cross-border shopping and the model KONSUM-G Reports 2013/02 Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Innovation in the Norwegian Business Enterprise Sector 2008-2010 Reports 2012/46 Technology and innovation
Immigrants' residential preferences - the cause of immigrant dense living? Reports 2012/44 Construction, housing and property, Immigration and immigrants, Population
Nursing and care services 2011: Statistics on services and recipients Reports 2012/43 Health
Pesticide use in agriculture in 2011 Reports 2012/42 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration 2012 Reports 2012/41 Population, Immigration and immigrants
On welfare benefits and not participating in the labour market Reports 2012/40 Labour market and earnings
Agriculture and environment: State and development 2012 Reports 2012/39 Nature and the environment
Students income, economy and housing costs: Living conditions among students 2010 Reports 2012/38 Social conditions, welfare and crime