Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Effects of immigration policies on immigration to Norway 1969-2010 Reports 2011/40 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Gender differences in environmental related behaviour Reports 2011/38 Population, Nature and the environment
Uncertainties in the Norwegian greenhouse gas emission inventory Reports 2011/35 Nature and the environment
Policies for second generation biofuels: current status and future challenges Reports 2011/24 Nature and the environment
Crime and punishment among immigrants and the remaining Norwegian population Reports 2011/21 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Demand and supply of labor by education towards 2030: linking demographic and macroeconomic models for Norway Reports 2010/39 Labour market and earnings
Sexual identity and living conditions: evaluation of the relevance of living conditions and data collection Reports 2010/38 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Credit regulations in Norway, 1970-2008 Reports 2010/37 Banking and financial markets
Tracing gender effects among Tanzanian rural households Reports 2010/26 Population, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Homework and pupil achievement in Norway: evidence from TIMSS Reports 2010/1 Education
Immigrants with low incomes Reports 2010/05 Income and consumption
Towards universal childhood immunisation: an evaluation of measurement methods Reports 2009/45 Health
Use and emissions of hazardous substances in Norway, 2002-2007: based on data from the Norwegian Product Register Reports 2009/41 Nature and the environment
Measuring ICT capital and estimating its impact on firm productivity: manufacturing firms versus firms in services Reports 2009/4 Technology and innovation
A Comparison of the labour market integration of immigrants and refugees in Canada and Norway Reports 2009/31 Labour market and earnings