Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Tracking resource and policy impact: incorporating millennium development goals & indicators and poverty reduction strategy paper monitoring across sectors Reports 2004/20 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Macroeconomic properties of the Norwegian applied general equilibrium model MSG6 Reports 2004/18 National accounts and business cycles
Marks across lower secondary schools in Norway: what can be explained by the composition of pupils and school resources? Reports 2004/11 Education
Exporting pollution?: calculating the embodied emissions in trade for Norway Reports 2003/17 Nature and the environment
Qualification, mobility and performance in a sample of Norwegian regional labour markets Reports 2002/6 Labour market and earnings
Waste generation in the service industry sector in Norway 1999: results and methodology based on exploitation of waste data from a private recycling company Reports 2002/24 Nature and the environment
Immigrant women in Norway: a summary of findings on demography, education, labour and income Reports 2002/23 Population, Immigration and immigrants
The demographic characteristics of immigrant population in Norway Reports 2002/22 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Use of ICT in Nordic enterprises 2000/2001 Reports 2002/10 Technology and innovation
Uncertainties in emissions of long-range air pollutants Reports 2001/37 Nature and the environment
Market work, child care and the division of household labour: adaptations of Norwegian mothers before and after the cash-for-care reform Reports 2001/3 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Effects of enterprise characteristics on early retirement Reports 2001/26 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Use of ICT in Nordic enterprises 1999/2000 Reports 2001/1 Technology and innovation
The future of the Saudi Arabian economy: possible effects on the world oil market Reports 2000/7 National accounts and business cycles
Price indices for capital goods Reports 2000/4 Prices and price indices