Houshold payments for kindergarten, January 2020
Reports 2020/17
27 April 2020
Houshold payments for kindergarten, January 2021
Reports 2021/17
30 April 2021
Housing and housing conditions in Norway
Reports 2018/13
23 April 2018
Construction, housing and property, Social conditions, welfare and crime
How are educational groups affected by economic shocks and trends?
Reports 2011/50
21 December 2011
Labour market and earnings
How do banks' funding costs affect interest margins?
Discussion Papers no. 665
1 September 2011
National accounts and business cycles
How do gender values and household practices cohere?: value-practice configurations in a gender egalitarian context
Discussion Papers no. 683
1 March 2012
National accounts and business cycles
How do investments in heat pumps affect household energy consumption?
Discussion Papers no. 737
25 April 2013
National accounts and business cycles
How does the corona situation affect CPI?
8 April 2020
Prices and price indices, Income and consumption
How financial incentives induce disability insurance recipients to return to work
Discussion Papers no. 685
1 March 2012
National accounts and business cycles
How is the situation for immigrants 5 years after they took a bachelor or masters degree in Norway?
Reports 2020/21
27 May 2020
Education, Immigration and immigrants
How long will the boom last?
Economic trends for Norway and abroad
16 June 2005
National accounts and business cycles
How many refugees' families come to Norway?
Statistical analysis 2017
19 January 2017
Population, Immigration and immigrants
How to integrate emission permits into the environmental related tax statistics: theory and practice : test calculations for Norway, 2008-2012
Documents 2014/05
27 January 2014
Nature and the environment
How to modernise a civil registration system: the case of Albania
Documents 2012/32
25 April 2012
ICT investments lead to staff reductions
9 May 2017
Technology and innovation, Public sector