Accrued to date liabilities, national numbers 2014-2018
Reports 2021/18
6 May 2021
National accounts and business cycles, Public sector
Accumulated pension entitlements in Norway
4 May 2018
National accounts and business cycles
Accumulation of welfare problems
Reports 2016/32
24 November 2016
Social conditions, welfare and crime
Acquisition of Norwegian citizenship 1977-2011
Reports 2012/25
23 October 2012
Population, Immigration and immigrants
Adjusting maternal mortality data for international comparisons: the case of vital registration systems
Discussion Papers no. 773
21 March 2014
National accounts and business cycles
Admitted applicants to tertiary education not using the offer
Reports 2021/09
4 March 2021
Adoption numbers continue to fall
1 June 2017
Population, Immigration and immigrants
Adult refugees without education and with primary and lower secondary education
Reports 2018/29
12 September 2018
Education, Immigration and immigrants, Population
Adult skills in Norway: First results from the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)
Reports 2013/42
8 October 2013
Age at immigration and crime: findings for male immigrants in Norway
Discussion Papers no. 728
10 December 2012
National accounts and business cycles
Aggregate behavior in matching markets with flexible contracts and non-transferable representations of preferences
Discussion Papers no. 875
30 May 2018
National accounts and business cycles
Aggregate demand and developments in market power, labour share and inequality in Norway
Reports 2020/32
14 September 2020
National accounts and business cycles
Agricultural incomes up 10 per cent
14 February 2017
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Income and consumption
Agricultural land converted to built-up areas for agricultural production
Reports 2019/15
11 June 2019
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Nature and the environment
Agriculture and Environment: State and Development 2015
Reports 2016/14
20 April 2016
Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing