Material and social deprivation in Norway
Reports 2018/07
26 February 2018
Income and consumption, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Matrix oriented formulae of dynamic multipliers in general autoregressive distributed lag and VARX models
Documents 2007/3
11 January 2007
National accounts and business cycles
May record in guest nights
2 July 2019
Transport and tourism, Svalbard
Measurement of non-market services in Norway with examples from education
Documents 2008/18
19 November 2008
National accounts and business cycles
Measuring ICT capital and estimating its impact on firm productivity: manufacturing firms versus firms in services
Reports 2009/4
26 February 2009
Technology and innovation
Measuring human capital for Norway 2007-2014
Documents 2018/40
5 October 2018
National accounts and business cycles
Measuring long-term inequality of oppotunity
Discussion Papers no. 620
20 May 2010
National accounts and business cycles
Measuring the stock of human capital for Norway: a lifetime labour income approach
Documents 2009/12
16 September 2009
Labour market and earnings, National accounts and business cycles
Measuring working hours in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey: a pilot study of data quality using administrative registers
Reports 2009/3
16 February 2009
Labour market and earnings
Mechanism design for refunding emissions payment
Discussion Papers no. 705
1 September 2012
National accounts and business cycles
Mental health problems are the most common diagnosis
9 October 2006
Metadata strategy in Statistics Norway: Eurostat Metadata Working Group Luxembourg, 6-7 june 2005
Documents 2005/8
4 July 2005
Methane emissions from Norwegian landfills: revised calculations for waste landfilled 1945-2004
Documents 2006/7
19 May 2006
Nature and the environment
Methodology work for environmental protection investment and current expenditures in the manufacturing industry: final report to Eurostat
Documents 2002/3
25 March 2002
Nature and the environment
Methods of social reporting
Reports 2019/32
29 October 2019
Social conditions, welfare and crime