Auto diesel sales exceeded 3 billion litres in 2016
4 April 2017
Energy and manufacturing, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Automatic outlier handling and model selection in seasonal adjustment: A history analysis study involving three suggested outlier algorithms
Documents 2012/71
7 December 2012
National accounts and business cycles
Back to background risk?
Discussion Papers no. 834
1 February 2016
National accounts and business cycles
Balance of income and current transfers create current account surplus
2 September 2020
External economy, National accounts and business cycles
Barriers to progress in REDD preparations: Can high quality satellite data save time and costs?
Reports 2018/28
30 August 2018
Nature and the environment
Basic social policy data: basic data to monitor status & intended policy effects with focus on social sectors incorporating millenium development goals
and indicators
Documents 2002/8
13 June 2002
Social conditions, welfare and crime
Basis for assessment of the long run labour supply potential in Norway
Reports 2013/09
13 March 2013
Labour market and earnings
Becoming “We” instead of “I”: identity management and incentives in the workplace
Discussion Papers no. 760
23 October 2013
National accounts and business cycles
Behavioral multistate duration models: what should they look like?
Discussion Papers no. 688
1 May 2012
National accounts and business cycles
Benefit Analysis: Documentation for the benefit analysis component of the OECD data table delivery
Documents 2016/37
22 December 2016
Social conditions, welfare and crime
Better times in sight, but situation remains serious
Economic trends for Norway and abroad
11 September 2020
National accounts and business cycles
Beyond LATE with a discrete instrument: heterogeneity in the quantity-quality interaction of children
Discussion Papers no. 703
1 September 2012
National accounts and business cycles
Big twelve-month change in total PPI
10 May 2021
Prices and price indices, Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles
Biofuel mandate versus favourable taxation of electric cars: The case of Norway
Discussion Papers no. 745
7 June 2013
National accounts and business cycles
Boom intensifies
Economic trends for Norway and abroad
14 September 2006
National accounts and business cycles