Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Targeted carbon tariffs: carbon leakage and welfare effects Discussion Papers no. 805 National accounts and business cycles
Tax payments so far on par with 2015 Articles Public sector
Taxation of fuel and vehicles when emissions are constrained Discussion Papers no. 949 National accounts and business cycles
Taxation of housing: Killing several birds with one stone Discussion Papers no. 829 National accounts and business cycles
Taxes on the internet: deterrence effects of public disclosure Discussion Papers no. 770 National accounts and business cycles
Taxing energy - why and how?: the present policies across western countries Reports 2008/28 Energy and manufacturing
Teacher Projections 2016-2040 Reports 2018/35 Labour market and earnings, Education
Teacher Projections 2019-2040 Reports 2021/11 Labour market and earnings, Education
Teacher competence in secondary education Reports 2017/25 Education
Teacher competence in the primary and lower secondary school: Main results 2018/2019 Reports 2019/18 Education
Teachers without pedagogical education in the primary and lower secondary school 2018/19 Reports Education
Technical documentation of the BEFINN model, g2020 Documents 2020/23 Population
Technological changes and skill composition: evidence from matched employer-employee data Documents 2010/06 Labour market and earnings
Testing for co-non-linearity Discussion Papers no. 699 National accounts and business cycles
The 2007/8 Malawi budget: macroeconomic implications Documents 2007/14 National accounts and business cycles