Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Use of ICT in Nordic enterprises 2000/2001 Reports 2002/10 Technology and innovation
Use of biological control agents and chemical pesticides in greenhouses in 2015 Reports 2016/45 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Nature and the environment
Use of culture out and at home Reports 2018/11 Culture and recreation
Use of inorganic and organic fertilisers in agriculture 2013: methods and results from a sample survey Reports 2015/24 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Use of inorganic and organic fertilisers in agriculture 2018 Reports 2020/09 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Use of municipal dwellings Reports 2018/15 Construction, housing and property
Use of products containing carcinogenic chemicals greatly reduced Articles Nature and the environment
Use of wood fuels from boreal forests will create a biofuel carbon debt with a long payback time Discussion Papers no. 637 National accounts and business cycles
User costs of real capital Documents 2001/4 Establishments, enterprises and accounts
User's guide for a macroeconomic model for Malawi: version 1, may 2006 Documents 2006/8 National accounts and business cycles
Using common factors to identify substitution possibilities in a factor demand system with technological changes Discussion Papers no. 849 National accounts and business cycles
Using the Helmert-transformation to reduce dimensionality in a mixed model: an application to a wage equation with worker and firm heterogeneity Discussion Papers no. 667 National accounts and business cycles
VAR models in macroeconomic research Documents 2000/14 National accounts and business cycles
Vaccination pushes up interest rates Economic trends for Norway and abroad National accounts and business cycles
Validation of structural labor supply model by the elasticity of taxable income Discussion Papers no. 738 National accounts and business cycles