What do we know about immigrants who do not work, study or receive benefits?
17 February 2016
Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Social conditions, welfare and crime
What makes full-time employed women satisfied with their working hours?
Discussion Papers no. 632
1 October 2010
National accounts and business cycles
Where are the women in trade and industry?
4 March 2005
Population, Labour market and earnings
Where is the most dynamic business sector?
5 November 2007
Technology and innovation
Which non-resident fathers have little or no contact with their children
Reports 2015/02
26 January 2015
Which students are most satisfied with the quality of teaching?
SSB analysis
26 February 2018
Who and how many can work from home in Norway?: Evidence from task descriptions
Discussion Papers no. 935
2 July 2020
National accounts and business cycles
Who are they and how are they doing?
4 December 2006
Population, Immigration and immigrants
Who benefited from industrialization? The local effects of hydropower technology adoption
Discussion Papers no. 874
2 May 2018
National accounts and business cycles
Who benefits from homework assignments?
11 February 2009
Who do immigrants in Norway marry?
13 October 2006
Population, Immigration and immigrants
Why are there so few female entrepreneurs?: An examination of gender differences in entrepreneurship using Norwegian registry data
Discussion Papers no. 790
5 November 2014
National accounts and business cycles
Why children of college graduates outperform their schoolmates: a study of cousins and adoptees
Discussion Papers no. 628
1 September 2010
National accounts and business cycles
Why do wealthy parents have wealthy children?
Discussion Papers no. 813
1 July 2015
National accounts and business cycles
Why is Norway so expensive?
1 February 2005
National accounts and business cycles