Census of Agriculture 2010
Reports 2014/05
30 January 2014
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Census without questionnaire
14 November 2011
Centre left still favoured by women
9 June 2016
Challenges ahead
19 July 2012
Nature and the environment
Challenges for European statistics
18 September 2002
Challenges in predicting poverty trends using survey to survey imputation: Experiences from Malawi
Discussion Papers no. 900
23 March 2019
National accounts and business cycles
Change in regime and Markow models
Discussion Papers no. 204
1 November 1997
National accounts and business cycles
Changes in inventories in the Norwegian National Accounts: Accounting data as a source for changes in inventories
Documents 2017/13
9 February 2017
National accounts and business cycles
Changes in inventories in the Norwegian National Accounts: Eurostat project report
Documents 2006/10
30 August 2006
National accounts and business cycles
Characteristics of parents with shared residence and father sole custody: evidence from Norway 2012
Discussion Papers no. 780
16 June 2014
National accounts and business cycles
Chemicals in Environmental pressure information system (EPIS)
Documents 2000/4
10 February 2000
Nature and the environment
Child care before age two and the development of language and numeracy: Evidence from a lottery
Discussion Papers no. 808
18 May 2015
National accounts and business cycles
Child care center staff composition and early child development
Discussion Papers no. 870
13 December 2017
National accounts and business cycles
Child care references 2016
Reports 2017/35
1 December 2017
Education, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Child care, parental labor supply and tax revenue
Discussion Papers no. 881
13 August 2018
National accounts and business cycles