Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Childhood residential mobility and adult outcomes Discussion Papers no. 750 National accounts and business cycles
Children and adolescents with immigrant background in Child welfare services 2012 Reports 2015/16 Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants
Children and young adults with an immigrant background Reports 2016/23 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Children as family commuters: The geographical distance between nonresident parents and children in Norway Discussion Papers no. 841 National accounts and business cycles
Children’s permanent residence and contact with non-resident parents 2002, 2004 and 2012: Changes in custody and care when parents live apart Reports 2014/02 Population
China now second trade partner of EU25 Articles External economy
Christmas shopping to reach NOK 44 billion Articles Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Churning in thick labor markets: Evidence of heterogeneous responses along the skill and experience gradients Discussion Papers no. 866 National accounts and business cycles
Cities and development: Indicators for environmental development in medium-sized cities in Norway Reports 2012/20
Cities and environment: Indicators for environmental development in the "Cities of the future" Reports 2015/20 Nature and the environment
Cities and environment: Indicators for environmental development in the "Cities of the future" Reports 2012/27
Classification of Norwegian municipalities by population size and economic workload 2013 Reports 2015/19 Public sector
Classification of Norwegian municipalities by population size and economic workload 2018 Reports 2020/18 Public sector
Classification of Norwegian municipalities by population size and economic workload 2020 Reports 2020/48 Public sector
Classroom grade composition and pupil achievement Discussion Papers no. 722 National accounts and business cycles