Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Clean tap water for all Articles Nature and the environment, Public sector
Clear decline in manufacturing output Articles Energy and manufacturing
Clear upturn in economy on the horizon Economic trends for Norway and abroad National accounts and business cycles
Climate change and energy consequences Documents 2002/9 Nature and the environment
Climate change and the future Nordic electricity market: supply, demand, trade and transmission Reports 2005/24 Energy and manufacturing
Climate policies in a fossil fuel producing country: demand versus supply side policies Discussion Papers no. 747 National accounts and business cycles
Close ties with Sweden Articles Establishments, enterprises and accounts, Energy and manufacturing
Closing the gender gap in pensions. A microsimulation analysis of the Norwegian NDC pension system Discussion Papers no. 855 National accounts and business cycles
Cohort Analysis: Documentation for the cohort analysis component of the OECD data table delivery Documents 2018/21 Labour market and earnings
Collecting data on wages for the labour force survey: a pilot Documents 2004/7 Labour market and earnings
College as a Marriage Market Discussion Papers no. 950 National accounts and business cycles
Collusive tax evasion by employers and employees: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in Norway Discussion Papers no. 891 National accounts and business cycles
Combination of old-age pensions and work: Development of income and wealth 2012-2018 for persons born in 1949 Rapporter 2020/26 Income and consumption
Commercial policy, trade and competition in the Norwegian service industries Reports 1997/18 Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Comparability of income data: project report Documents 2001/7 Income and consumption