Decreased real disposable income for households
7 June 2017
National accounts and business cycles
Decreased sales in August
19 September 2017
Energy and manufacturing, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Decreased sales of petroleum products
25 July 2017
Energy and manufacturing, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Decreasing growth in the mainland-economy
9 December 2019
National accounts and business cycles
Decreasing growth in total housing cost
24 June 2016
Construction, housing and property
Decreasing taxi mileage
6 June 2018
Transport and tourism
Deep economic crisis – but some bright spots in sight
Economic trends for Norway and abroad
5 June 2020
National accounts and business cycles
Demand and supply of labor by education towards 2030: linking demographic and macroeconomic models for Norway
Reports 2010/39
6 September 2010
Labour market and earnings
Demand for labour and residental care in the long term care sector towards 2060
Reports 2016/20
9 June 2016
Health, Labour market and earnings
Dental health among adults in Sweden and Norway: A Socio-economic Analysis
Reports 2016/28
4 October 2016
Depletion of the ozone layer
1 October 2004
Nature and the environment
Depreciation of dwellings
Reports 2017/20
4 July 2017
Construction, housing and property
Desistance from crime: how much can be explained by life course transitions?
Discussion Papers no. 791
10 November 2014
National accounts and business cycles
Developing a modelling system to supplement and distribute road traffic volumes from odometer readings: final report to Eurostat
Documents 2010/23
1 October 2010
Transport and tourism
Developing methods for determining the number of unauthorized foreigners in Norway
23 June 2008
Population, Immigration and immigrants