Spending more on research and development
Technology and innovation;Establishments, enterprises and accounts
foun, Research and development in the business enterprise sector, R&D personnel, R&D man-years, R&D expenditures, funding of R&D, R&D servicesEstablishments and enterprises , Research and innovation in business enterprise sector , Establishments, enterprises and accounts, Technology and innovation

Research and development in the business enterprise sector2005, preliminary figures



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Spending more on research and development

Preliminary figures from the research and development (R&D) statistics show that the intramural R&D expenditure in the Norwegian business enterprise sector amounted to NOK 13,3 billion in 2005 - an increase of 3 per cent from 2004. The enterprise sector employed 14 600 man-years in R&D for 2005, which is an increase of 4 per cent from the previous survey.

When examining size classes, the statistics show that enterprises with more than 50 employees used NOK 9,9 billion in intramural R&D and employed 10500 man-years in R&D for 2005. Enterprises with 10-49 employees had NOK 3,4 billion in intramural R&D and employed 4100 man-years in R&D for 2005.

These figures are primarily based on information from the larger R&D enterprises. The growth observed in this group of enterprises - together with estimates given for 2005 in the 2004 survey - are used to give the total figures reported above.

More detailed information will be available in December 2006.