Turnover growth for radio and television
Technology and innovation
stinfokom, Information and communication, structural business statistics, publishing, film and television production, radio and TV, telecommunication, ICT services, information services, enterprises, employees, turnover, value addedInformation and communication technology - ICT, Technology and innovation

Information and communication, structural business statistics2010, preliminary figures



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Turnover growth for radio and television

The turnover in radio and television broadcasting showed an increase of 7.9 per cent from the year before. The number of enterprises and employment in the period went down.

Employment by industry divisions. Enterprises. Preliminary figures.

Turnover by industry. Local KAU’s. Final figures 2009 and preliminary figures 2010. NOK billion

Turnover in the broadcasting industry rose from NOK 8.9 billion in 2009 to NOK 9.6 billion in 2010. The number of enterprises in the industry decreased from 185 to 163, while employment fell by 2.8 per cent to 5 660.

Improvement in the publishing industry

The turnover in the publishing industry increased by 1.3 per cent to NOK 42.6 billion. Employment continued to drop 3.5 per cent in the period. The number of enterprises in the industry in 2010 was 2 3401 a decline of 2.21 per cent from the year before.

Production increase in film, video and television

The industry group "Film, video and television programme production, music publishing and sound recording" received a turnover of NOK 7.4 billion in 2010. This is a 1.7 per cent increase from the year before. Employment rose by 4.7 per cent to 4 415.

Growth in telecommunications

The number of employees in telecommunications rose 1 per cent to 13 100 in 2010. The total turnover within telecommunications was NOK 67.7 billion, which is a 3.5 per cent increase from 2009.

Employment is still up in information services

The total employment by the industry group “Services and related activities” rose by 3.8 per cent to 34 084 in 2010. Turnover increased by 4.8 per cent to NOK 53.9 billion, while the number of enterprises was the same as last year.

Increased sales of information services despite fewer companies

Information services include data processing, data storage, management of web portals, and other information services. The industry had a reduction in number of enterprises of 6.6 per cent to 1 110 in 2010. Although the industry shrunk, the turnover went up 7.9 per cent in 2010 and ended at NOK 7 billion. The number employed increased by 2.2 per cent, to 4 500.

Preliminary figures

Preliminary figures are only given for the main industry group, and have fewer variables than the final figures. Final figures are published within 18 months after year-end statistics.

Comparability between 2009 and 2010

Many enterprises and local KAUs within the industry division Information and communication (J) operate within different industries. The unit is placed in the division in which it has its main activity. If a unit changes its activity it may also have to move to a different industry. This is more common within industry division J than in most other industries. The result is that figures in one year may not necessarily be directly comparable to subsequent years. The effect of this is greater in figures for enterprises than for local KAUs. Within telecommunications, changes within sub-groups had a particularly large effect in 2010.

1  Figures corrected 1 November 2011 at 1055.
