Growth for motion picture, video and television
Technology and innovation
stinfokom, Information and communication, structural business statistics, publishing, film and television production, radio and TV, telecommunication, ICT services, information services, enterprises, employees, turnover, value addedInformation and communication technology - ICT, Technology and innovation

Information and communication, structural business statistics2015, preliminary figures



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Growth for motion picture, video and television

The turnover in ‘motion picture, video and television programme activities’ increased by 8 per cent to NOK 7.3 billion from 2014 to 2015.

Information and communication, structural business statistics. Enterprises. Preliminary figures
2015Change in per cent
2014 - 20152011 - 2015
1Average number of persons during the year.
2Exclusive of VAT.
Number enterprises16 3795.313.6
Employment196 0133.49.4
Turnover (NOK mill.)2235 3603.616.1
Figure Information and communication, 2015* Click on image for larger version.

A total of 5 400 persons were employed in this industry group in 2015.

Growth in turnover for IT services

Turnover in the industry division ‘computer programming, consultancy and related activities’ increased by 6 per cent to NOK 86.2 billion. A total of 43 000 persons were employed. The greater part of this industry division consists of enterprises within ‘computer consultancy activities’.

Within the section ‘information and communication’, turnover increased by 3.7 per cent, and amounted to NOK 235.4 billion in 2015. The employment was 96 000.

New data source for employmentOpen and readClose

From 2015, the Structural Business Statistics are based on a new data basis for wage earners. The main source in the period to 2014 was the NAV Employee Register (State Register). In 2015, the reporting to this registry was coordinated with the reporting of payroll and personnel data to the Tax Administration Authority and Statistics Norway. The common reporting system is called “A-ordning”. “A-ordning” generally provides data with higher quality and accuracy at the individual level, and covers more wage earner conditions than the State Register. In the State Register, employees who work less than four hours per week on average were not included.

Comparability between 2014 and 2015Open and readClose

Many enterprises and local KAUs within the industry division Information and communication (J) operate within different industries. The unit is placed in the division in which it has its main activity. If a unit changes its activity it may also have to move to a different industry. This is more common within industry division J than in most other industries. The result is that figures in one year may not necessarily be directly comparable to subsequent years.