More British and Finnish camping guests
Transport and tourism
camping, Camping statisticsTourism , Transport and tourism

Camping statisticsApril 2002



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More British and Finnish camping guests

strongest decrease (35 per cent), while stays by international guests decreased by 15 per cent. But British and Finnish guests spent more camping nights in Norway.

Although the number of overnight stays by international guests decreased altogether, the number of stays from the United Kingdom increased by 131 per cent. The number of stays from Finland increased by 50 per cent.

Some of the decrease in April 2002 can be explained by the fact that the Easter holiday was in March this year, while it was in April last year.

So far in 2002

The camping traffic has increased by 6 per cent so far in 2002. The number of domestic stays has increased by 8 per cent, while international stays altogether has decreased by 6 per cent. Although international traffic has decreased so far, there has been a remarkable increase in overnight stays by some foreign nationalities. The number of overnight stays by guests from the Netherlands has increased by 205 per cent. Also stays by British, Finnish and Swedish guests have increased.

Reduced capacity

In April 2002 there were 298 open camping sites, compared with 318 in April 2001. The number of cabins/rooms was reduced from 5305 last April to 5141 this April.


Table 1 Camping sites. Number of camping sites, by month and county. 2002

Table 2 Camping sites. Guest-nights, by nationality of the guests and county. April 2002

Table 3 Camping sites. Guest-nights, by nationality of the guests and county. January-April 2002

Table 4 Camping sites. Guest-nights, by type of accommodation and county. April 2002

Table 5 Camping sites. Guest-nights, by type of accommodation and county. January-April 2002

Table 6 Camping sites. Guest-nights, by type of accommodation and month. 2002