About the statistics
Name and topic
Name: Registered goods vehicles
Topic: Transport and tourism
Responsible division
Transport, tourism and ICT statistics
Definitions of the main concepts and variables
Other lorries include recovery vehicles, concrete-mixer lorries, cesspool emptiers, refuse collection trucks, refrigerator vehicles etc.
Combined vehicles are vehicles that can be used to carry both passengers and cargo.
Carrying capacity: The maximum permissible volume of goods the vehicle is registered for
Standard classifications
County, municipality
The vehicle groups are defined according to code lists issued by the Directorate of Public Roads
Administrative information
Regional level
County is the lowest publishing level, municipality the lowest registration level.
Frequency and timeliness
Annual statistics
International reporting
Not relevant
Production data are saved in SAS and ASCII format on UNIX.
Background and purpose
The statistics show the structure and development of goods vehicle stocks, including stock and capacity statistics by lorry group for all goods vehicles and for only diesel-powered vehicles. The statistics were established in 1977.
Users and applications
The statistics are used by authorities, industry organizations and others interested in information about the structure and development of lorry stocks. The statistics also provide an important basis for estimating domestic transport performances.
Coherence with other statistics
National road goods transport
Legal authority
Statistics Act Section 3-2 (Administrative registers)
EEA reference
Not relevant
The statistics cover lorries and special vehicles with mounted number plates as of 31 December. They do not include lorries registered as camping vehicles, or lorries with a carrying capacity of more than 30 tons.
Data sources and sampling
The Register of Vehicles at the Directorate of Public Roads. The register contains technical and other information about vehicle stocks in Norway.
Complete overview from administrative registers
Collection of data, editing and estimations
Utilization of administrative registers
The results are compared with information about vehicle stocks found in other sources.
The result are published in original form (not seasonally adjusted)
Not relevant
Comparability over time and space
Comparable statistics have been prepared dating back to 1977.
Accuracy and reliability
Sources of error and uncertainty
Not relevant
The statistics is published with Registered vehicles.