Decline for hotels
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Hotel statisticsFebruary 2000



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Decline for hotels

Norwegian hotels recorded 1,294 million guest nights in February 2000, against 1,319 million in February last year. In terms of percentage, business declined two per cent. Compared with February 1999, the domestic and foreign markets both decreased, by one and four per cent respectively.

With the exception of Sweden, all the major foreign markets decreased. Britain and Denmark accounted for the biggest declines, followed by the Netherlands and Germany. For example, the number of overnight stays by British guests fell 20 per cent. On the other hand, Swedish guests increased their business by around three per cent compared with February 1999.

Decline this year too

With the decline in January too, business has dropped two per cent so far in 2000. Both domestic and foreign business have declined. While German business is virtually unchanged, the other major foreign markets are down compared with January-February 1999.

Higher capacity, lower occupancy

Compared with February last year, the capacity of the Norwegian hospitality industry has increased in terms of the number of hotels, beds and rooms. In February 2000, 947 hotels with 119 302 beds and 56 012 rooms were open. In February last year the corresponding figure was 939 hotels with 117 530 beds and 54 901 rooms.

The increase in the beds and rooms available, combined with the decrease in business, caused a drop in the hotels' capacity utilization rate. Bed capacity utilization fell 2.9 percentage points, from 40.9 per cent in February 1999 to 38 per cent in February this year. The hotels' room occupancy rate was similarly reduced, from 53.4 per cent in February 1999 to 50.3 per cent in February this year.

Higher room price and lodging revenues

The average room rate in February was NOK 711, compared with NOK 705 in February last year. Even with the decline in business, the price increase pushed lodging revenues up from NOK 568 million in February 1999 to NOK 570 million in February 2000.
