Decline for hotels
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Hotel statisticsApril 2000



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Decline for hotels

Norwegian hotels recorded 1,031 million guest nights in April 2000, against 1,146 million in April last year. In terms of percentage, business declined ten per cent. Compared with April 1999, both domestic and foreign markets declined.

All the major foreign markets decreased. Sweden had the biggest decline, followed by Great Britain. The number of overnight stays by Swedish guests fell about 40 per cent, and British guests fell about 26 per cent compared with April 1999.

The decline in business from the domestic market was six per cent, from 917 000 overnight stays in April 1999 to 858 000 overnights stays in April this year. Easter 1999 took place partly in April, while the whole of Easter 2000 took place late April. Comparisons of hotel business in April 2000 with April 1999 must be undertaken with this in mind.

Decline this year too

The business has dropped three per cent so far in 2000. Both the domestic and the foreign business has declined. All the major foreign markets are down compared with January-April 1999.

Higher capacity

Compared with April last year, the capacity of the Norwegian hospitality industry has increased in terms of the number of hotels, beds and rooms.

An increase in rooms available, combined with a decline in rooms sold, caused utilisation of rooms to fell from 49.4 per cent to 41.0 per cent compared with April last year. The utilisation of bed-capacity fell from 33.7 per cent in April 1999 to 30.0 per cent in April 2000.

Higher room price

The average room rate in April was NOK 704, compared with NOK 697 in April last year. The decline in business pushed lodging revenues down from NOK 543 million in April 1999 to NOK 460 million in April 2000.
