Slight decrease in 2000
Transport and tourism
hotell, Hotel statisticsTourism , Transport and tourism

Hotel statisticsDecember 2000



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Slight decrease in 2000

Norwegian hotels recorded 16,36 million guest nights in 2000, against 16,53 million in 1999. This is a decrease of one per cent. Compared with 1999, the domestic market increased one per cent, and the foreign market decreased five per cent.

All the five major foreign markets in 2000 decreased compared with 1999.

Incline in December

The business has increased four per cent in December 2000 compared with December 1999. The foreign business has increased seven per cent, and the domestic market increased three per cent.

Higher capacity

Compared with 1999, the capacity of the Norwegian hotel industry has increased in terms of the number of hotels, beds and rooms.

Increased room prices

The average room rate in 2000 was Norwegian kroner, NOK, 682, compared with NOK 678 in 1999. The lodging revenue decreased from 7,20 billion NOK in 1999 to 7,16 billion NOK in 2000.
