Less guest nights in 2002
Transport and tourism
hotell, Hotel statisticsTourism , Transport and tourism

Hotel statisticsDecember 2002



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Less guest nights in 2002

Norwegian hotels recorded 16.19 millions guest nights in 2002, and this is a decrease of 1.4 per cent compared with 2001. The foreign market decreased by 2.3 per cent and the domestic market by 1.0 per cent.

Number of guest nights. 1989 - 2002

United Kingdom was the only among the larger foreign markets in 2002, which increased. The number of guest nights from the other larger foreign markets, Sweden, Denmark and Germany, all decreased by 5 - 6 per cent approximately.


The total number of guest nights increased strongly during the first period of the 1990-ies. In the period 1989-1999, the "traffic" increased by 42 per cent, or 2.6 per cent per year. From 1999 to 2002 there was a decrease of 2.1 per cent, or 0.7 per cent per year as an average.

The number of guest nights from Norway shows a similar development. The growth period lasted until 2001, with a total increase of 42 per cent, an increase of 2.2 per cent per year. From 2001 to 2002 there was a decrease of 1.0 per cent.

The number of guest nights from abroad increased from 1989 to 1994. From 1994 to 1997, the number of guest nights was barely changed. After an increase in 1998 and 1999, there has been a decrease in the number of guest night from abroad.

Further details are given in the figures.

Number of guest nights from Norway. 1989 - 2002

Number of guest nights from abroad. 1989 - 2002

Occupancy rates

Compared with 2001, the occupancy rates for both beds and rooms decreased last year.

Decreased room prices

The average room rate was NOK 698 in 2002, compared with NOK 689 in 2001. The lodging revenue decreased from NOK 7.27 billions in 2001 to NOK 7.22 billions in 2002.

Less guest nights in December

Norwegian hotels recorded 764 000 guest nights in December 2002. This is a decrease of 9 per cent compared with the same period in 2001. The number of Norwegian guest nights decreased by 10 per cent, while the number of foreign guest nights decreased by 5 per cent. The three largest foreign markets, Germany, Denmark and Sweden, decreased, while the number of guest nights from United Kingdom increased.
