Increase for hotels in January
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Hotel statisticsJanuary 2004



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Increase for hotels in January

Norwegian hotels recorded 983 000 guest nights in January this year. This is an increase of 4 per cent compared with January last year. The domestic market increased by 4 per cent, and the foreign market increased by 2 per cent.

Even if the number of guest nights was 4 per cent higher than January last year, it is still 5 per cent lower than in January 1999, which was the best January month ever.

The three largest increased

The largest foreign market, Denmark, increased by 7 per cent compared with January last year. Sweden and the United Kingdom, the second and the third largest foreign markets in January, also increased by 9 and 17 per cent respectively. The fourth largest foreign market, Germany, decreased by 4 per cent.

Occupancy rates

Compared with January last year, the occupancy rate for rooms increased by 1.1 percentage points while the occupancy rate for beds increased by 1.4 percentage points.

Decreased room prices and increased lodging revenue

The average room rate in 2003 was NOK 701 compared with NOK 705 in January last year. The lodging revenue increased from NOK 459 millions January last year to NOK 467 millions in January this year.
