Mediated more hut-stays for Norwegians
Transport and tourism
hytteform, Intermediaries of cabins, guest nights, cabins, nationality of guestsTourism , Transport and tourism

Intermediaries of cabinsFebruary 2002

The statistics covers Norwegian and foreign guests accommodated in private cabins/houses during the year, which contributes to a more complete coverage of the Norwegian accommodation statistics.



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Mediated more hut-stays for Norwegians

Norwegian and foreign intermediaries of huts arranged a total of 144 000 overnight stays in private cabins in Norway in February this year. This is an increase of 5 per cent compared with the same month last year. The foreign business decreased by 4 per cent, and the domestic business increased by 40 per cent.

Denmark, which is the largest winter-market, decreased by 7 per cent compared with February last year. This is partly counterbalanced by an increase from the Swedish market.

So far this year

The intermediaries of huts arranged a total of 247 000 overnight stays so far this year. This is an increase of 6 per cent compared with January and February last year.
