All time high hotel guest nights in June
Transport and tourism
overnatting, Accommodation, hotels, groups of cabins, camping sites, youth hostels, nationality of guests, occupancy rate, beds, hotel rooms, price per room, turnover, holiday stays, course/conference stays, business stays, occupation, SvalbardTourism , Transport and tourism
This statistics measure guest nights at Norwegian collective accommodation establishments. There were 2.45 million guest nights in Norwegian hotels in June 2016.

AccommodationJune 2016

Statistics for June are updated 9/2/2016 based on more input data.




This is an archived release.

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As from 23 September, all of Statistics Norway’s statistics will be released at 8 am.

All time high hotel guest nights in June

There were a record high 2.47 million guest nights in June 2016 in Norwegian hotels. This is an increase of 4 per cent compared with June 2015.

Guest nights, by type of accommodation and month
June 2016Guest nights so far this year
Guest nights, totalGuest nights, NorwegianGuest nights, foreign nationalsJune 2016
Corrected 2 September 2016.
Guest nights, total4 015 4492 597 7671 417 68214 343 985
Hotels and similar establishments2 465 8251 532 923932 90210 250 969
Camping sites1 237 683912 449325 2342 639 353
Holiday dwellings267 235129 959137 2761 297 684
Youth hostels44 70622 43622 270155 979
Figure 1. Hotels and similar establishments. Guest nights, by country of residence

Foreign guest nights increased by 11 per cent at Norwegian hotels to 933 000. This is the most foreign guest nights ever recorded for June in Norwegian hotels. Norwegian guest nights went up 0.4 per cent in June 2016.

The number of guest nights in Norwegian accommodation establishments reached a total of 4.02 million in June 2016. This is an increase of 3 per cent compared with June 2015.