Transport and tourism;Svalbard

Accommodation on SvalbardJanuary 2011


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Accommodation on Svalbard
Topic: Transport and tourism

Responsible division

Transport, Tourism and ICT Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

The number of hotels corresponds to the number of establishments open to the public at least one day during the reference period.

Beds and rooms correspond to the number of beds and rooms in hotels open to the public.

Utilisation of bed capacity corresponds to the number of guest nights in per cent of the number of available beds, where the number of available beds is the number of beds multiplied by the establishment's number of open days during the reference period.

Utilisation of room capacity corresponds to the number of occupied rooms in per cent of the number of available rooms, where the number of available rooms is the number of rooms multiplied by the establishment's number of open days during the reference period.

Guest night: One person accommodated one night.

The nationality of the guest is his/her country of residence, not citizenship.

Standard classifications

Lodging turnover is exclusive of turnover for food, regardless of meals being included in the sales price.

There may be changes in capacity during the year. On the basis of information on bed and room capacity per month, the annual or seasonal capacity is calculated as a monthly average.

Administrative information

Regional level

Not relevant

Frequency and timeliness

The accommodation statistics is published monthly, about 4-5 weeks after the reference month.

International reporting

Not relevant


Micro data are stored in Oracle databases and as files in SAS and ASCII format.


Background and purpose

The accommodation statistics for hotels and similar establishments on Svalbard was established in 2010.

Users and applications

The Ministry of Trade and Industry, Innovation Norway (formerly the Norwegian Tourist Board), and trade organisations, research institutes and international organisations such as Eurostat use the statistics.

Knowledge of the tourist traffic to Norway is important for research and for measuring the results of Norwegian marketing efforts abroad, and also form a basis for the Government's backing of tourism as a growth area.

The Division for National Accounts in Statistics Norway is also an important user.

Coherence with other statistics

Not relevant

Legal authority

The Statistics Act of 1989, §§2-2 and 2-3

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics cover all hotels and similar establishments with a capacity of at least twenty beds.

Data sources and sampling

Postal questionnaires, data reported directly from the establishment's booking systems and Internet questionnaire.

Total count for establishments that are larger than the threshold set out in Chapter 3.1. Population

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Postal reminder are sent out on the 25th of the reference month. The response deadline is the 5th of the month M+1.

The postal questionnaires are read optically. However, some questionnaires are still processed manually by Developer/Forms to Oracle. All questionnaires and all data reported electronically are subject to logic and mathematical checks.

For non-respondents, missing values are calculated based on knowledge of the respondents. The bases for these calculations are the capacity and opening hours of all establishments and the assumption that non-respondents have the same occupancy rate as respondents in the corresponding stratum.

There is a high statistical correlation between the share of business guest nights and the price the hotel obtains in the market. This statistical correlation is used to calculate room revenue and other lodging revenue for establishments that have not submitted information on turnover.

About 5 per cent of the establishments do not respond. For these establishments number of guest nights and sales are calculated. These calculations are based on the assumption that non-respondents have same utility of capacity for beds and rooms as the respondents within same strata (hotel and region. With knowledge about capacity for all non-respondents, the number of guest night can be calculated.


The accommodation statistics is released according to the directions given in the Statistics Act, section 2-6:

Information collected in accordance with any prescribed obligation to provide information, shall under no circumstances be published in such a way that it may be traced back to the supplier of any data or to any other identifiable individual to the detriment of the person concerned, or to the unreasonable detriment of the latter if the supplier of the data or the individual is an undertaking of the kind mentioned in § 5-1 third paragraph [1] or a public organisation.

Comparability over time and space

Not relevant

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

In general incorrectnesses will occur both during the complementing of the questionnaire (respondents give incorrect information) and in the coding and registration of the questionnare to electronic medium (optical reading).

By the date the questionnaires are due back the response rate is about 60 per cent. After reminders have been sent out the response increases to 90-95 per cent. Total and partial non-response are calculated automatically.

In general, errors can occur both when the questionnaire is being completed (respondents submit incorrect information) and during the registration of questionnaires (optical reading).