Transport and tourism;Culture and recreation

Travel surveyQ3 2019



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List of Tables
NumberTable titleNew window ExcelCSV
Table 1Travel activitiesfullscreen-iconTravel activitiesexcel-iconTravel activitiescsv-iconTravel activities
Table 2Number of tourists, by destination, purpose of the trip and sex and age. Millionsfullscreen-iconNumber of tourists, by destination, purpose of the trip and sex and age. Millionsexcel-iconNumber of tourists, by destination, purpose of the trip and sex and age. Millionscsv-iconNumber of tourists, by destination, purpose of the trip and sex and age. Millions
Table 3Tourist expenditure, by purpose and destination of the trip. Quarterly figures. NOK billionfullscreen-iconTourist expenditure, by purpose and destination of the trip. Quarterly figures. NOK billionexcel-iconTourist expenditure, by purpose and destination of the trip. Quarterly figures. NOK billioncsv-iconTourist expenditure, by purpose and destination of the trip. Quarterly figures. NOK billion
Table 4Number of outbound trips, by selected destinations and purpose of the trip. 1 000fullscreen-iconNumber of outbound trips, by selected destinations and purpose of the trip. 1 000excel-iconNumber of outbound trips, by selected destinations and purpose of the trip. 1 000csv-iconNumber of outbound trips, by selected destinations and purpose of the trip. 1 000
Table 5Number of trips, by purpose of the trip and by mode of transport. Millionfullscreen-iconNumber of trips, by purpose of the trip and by mode of transport. Millionexcel-iconNumber of trips, by purpose of the trip and by mode of transport. Millioncsv-iconNumber of trips, by purpose of the trip and by mode of transport. Million

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