Transport and tourism;Transport and tourism;Public sector
samf_kostra, Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities, public transport, public transport travel, county roads, municipal roads, operating expenditureKOSTRA , Sea transport , Land transport , Transport and tourism, Public sector

Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities


Next update

Not yet determined

About the statistics

KOSTRA provides governing information about local and county authorities related to the operation and maintenance of municipal and county roads, and the operation of buses, trams, subways, ferries, boats and transport for the disabled.


Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Passenger: A person who makes a journey

Passenger-kilometre: The transport of one passenger over a distance of one kilometre

Seat kilometre ( scheduled road transport ): Number of seats multiplied by distance in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys)

Seat kilometre (regular coastal routes): Number of seats multiplied by distance in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys)

Route kilometre (scheduled road transport): Driven distance in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys)

Distance sailed (regular coastal routes and ferry routes for provincial connections): Distance sailed in route (i.e. excluding positioning runs and other out of route journeys)

Private car units ( ferry routes for provincial connections): Number of private cars multiplied by distance sailed

Private car units provided ( ferry routes for provincial connections): Number of places for private cars multiplied by distance sailed.

Standard classifications

The 431 municipalities are grouped according to population and economic comparable groups. This is based on the report (in Norwegian only): Gruppering av kommuner etter folkemengde og økonomiske rammevilkår 2003. Rapport 2006/8, Statistisk sentralbyrå.

Administrative information

Name and topic

Name: Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities
Topic: Transport and tourism

Responsible division

Division for Energy, Environmental and Transport Statistics

Regional level

The figures are published on both national and regional (municipal and county) levels. In addition, municipalities are grouped in economically comparable groups (see chapter 4.2).

Frequency and timeliness

Unrevised figures are published on the 15 of March, while revised figures are published on the 15 of June.

International reporting

Not relevant


Data set are saved at Statistics Norway.


Background and purpose

KOSTRA started up as a project in 1995 with the intention to provide relevant and up-to-date information about allocation of resources, priorities and meeting targets in municipalities and counties. The goal is to collect data in a co-ordinated way, and make the information flow a one time delivery per year for all steering-information needed by municipality. The number of municipalities and counties was gradually increased until the reporting year of 2001, and then all municipalities were included in the KOSTRA.

Users and applications

KOSTRA provides steering information about municipalities and counties to the different interest groups, inhabitants, media, the municipality itself, different state organs and controlling authorities etc.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

Not relevant

Legal authority

§2-1, 2-2 of the Statistics Act.

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics is based on data from all counties and municipalities in Norway.

Data sources and sampling

County and municipal accounts adapted to the chart of accounts used in KOSTRA, questionnaires and registers in Statistics Norway and the Directorate of Public Roads.

Total counting.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Data is reported electronically to Statistics Norway. The deadline for reporting is on the 15 of February.

The electronic forms contain built-in consistency checks and logical tests. After arrival, data are checked automatically and manually.

Unrevised data will be published on the 15 of Mars. There is a second deadline on the 15 of April for municipalities to correct possible errors in the figures just published. The data reported after the first deadline is also revised by Statistics Norway.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

Data from the accounts has been unaltered over time, but some smaller adjustments in the questionnaires have been done. Still, most of the variables can be compared over time.

Before 2010, the Government was administratively responsible for all main roads. These roads were classified as “trunk roads´´ and “remaining main roads´´. As from 1 January 2010, most of the “remaining main roads´´ (about 17.000 km) were reclassified as provincial roads and thereby became an extended liability for the counties. Also the “remaining ferry route connections´´ were transferred to the counties which were economically compensated for the additional administrative burden received through extended yearly block grants. As a consequence of this, some indicators are more or less not directly comparable with earlier years.

The road data model in the National Road Data Base (NVDB) was changed from 7 November 2019 due to the National reform of counties and municipalities. The new road system reference is built in a completely new way, which has led to major changes in the NVDB. In consequence, the figures for road infrastructure in KOSTRA are not directly comparable for the years before and after 2020. More information about the change in NVDB is available here (in Norwegian): https://www.vegvesen.no/fag/teknologi/nasjonal+vegdatabanks/vegreferansesystem.

Statistics Norway has recently revised its KOSTRA classification of municipalities. As before, the dimensions along which municipalities are classified are population size, economic workload, and economic capacity. Nevertheless, an update has been carried out as a result of the municipality reform, effective since 2020. The revision updates the composition and numbering of KOSTRA groups. The revision is discussed here (in Norwegian):  https://www.ssb.no/offentlig-sektor/artikler-og-publikasjoner/gruppering-av-kommuner-etter-folkemengde-og-okonomiske-rammebetingelser-2020.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The controlling of the published preliminary figures on the 15 of March, are only done by electronic controls. These controls do not find all the errors and there can be errors in the published preliminary figures. When publishing edited figures on the 15 of June, controls are made by both Statistics Norway and the municipalities themselves. However, errors can still occur.

Partial non-response occurs. The reporting (accounts and questionnaires) is based on the principle of total counting, but there will always be defections when Statistics Norway publishes preliminary figures on the 15 of March &– especially for the municipalities. For the counties however, about 10 per cent of both the accounts and the questionnaires are missing. These defections are reduced to about 4-5 percent and 1 percent for the questionnaires and the accounts respectively by the 15 of June.



Not relevant