Transport and tourism

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration - StatRes (discontinued)2009


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: The Norwegian Public Roads Administration - StatRes (discontinued)
Topic: Transport and tourism

Responsible division

Transport, Tourism and ICT Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Resource input measured in NOK:

Own production: The sum of wage costs and purchase of goods and services, including contracting expenses for operating and maintenance services on state roads. The concept of own production should also include capital costs, but as for most other government areas, data on depreciation and amortization, real/calculated interest costs and other possible capital costs are not available for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Investment figures do to some extent express capital costs, but are not included in the own production. Instead, the investment figures are displayed separately. Incidentally, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration is the area of the Norwegian government where investments make up the highest share of the total costs.

Wage costs and purchase of goods and services connected to road construction projects, are classified as investments in the government accounts and the accounts of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, but are included in the own production figures in StatRes. As a result of this, the own production figures for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration are higher in StatRes than in other accounting reports for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The investment figures for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, on the other hand, will be equally lower (as described in the definition of investments).

A large share of the own production of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration is made up of costs connected to services like asphalt spreading and snow clearing carried out by private contractors. Even though the production in these cases is carried out by private contractors, the corresponding contracting costs are included in the own production of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in StatRes (through the purchases of these services by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration).

Wage costs: Includes all expenses that the activities have in their capacity as employer, including social security contributions and pension premiums. As opposed to other areas in StatRes, other personnel costs are also included in the wage costs for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Personnel costs that are not wages are ordinarily classified as purchase of goods and services in StatRes. However, such personnel costs make up only a marginal fraction of the total wage costs. The wage cost figures are calculated by taking the total personnel costs for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration as a starting point. Recognised wage reimbursements are then deducted, while an estimated premium to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund is added (as defined below).

Estimated premium to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund: In the same way as most other areas in StatRes, The Norwegian Public Roads Administration does not pay pension premiums directly to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, where the employees are members. These premiums, together with similar premiums for a number of other public sector activities, are instead paid in a collective transfer from the treasury to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. In StatRes, however, these costs are considered to be a part of the resource input, whether they are included in the accounts or not. As these premiums are not included in the account figures for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, a 15 per cent mark-up is applied to the reported wage costs, which roughly corresponds to the estimated costs for such premiums.

Purchase of goods and services: Includes the value of used intermediate products and services in the production. Contracting expenses for operating and maintenance services on state roads are also included (as described in the definition of own production). The starting point for the amount is the reported amounts in item 1-29, sub-post 21-29, in the national accounts and the additional financial information supplied by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Investments: The investment figures in StatRes includes the contracting costs of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for state road investments, which mainly consist of payments to contractors and other suppliers of construction and building services. State road projects which are conducted according to the model of Public Private Partnership (PPP) are included in the investments, even though parts of these expenses may be connected to financial costs or operating and maintenance costs. The basis for the investment figures is the reported amounts in item 30-49 in the national accounts and the additional financial information supplied by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Construction of new roads causes the Norwegian Public Roads Administration to have large investments figures compared with most other areas in StatRes. In order to ensure coherence with other StatRes areas, wages paid to the employees of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration who plan and implement the road construction projects are included in the own production of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The same goes for purchases of goods and services like consulting services, travels, computer equipment, stationary and such done by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in connection with the road construction projects. The investment figures for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will therefore be smaller in StatRes than in other accounting reports for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (as described in the definition of own production).

Transfers: Covers contributions to the private sector and local authorities. The starting point for the amount is the reported amounts in item 60-79 in the national accounts and the additional financial information supplied by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Purchases of ferry services make up the major part of the transfers figures for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in StatRes.

Funds managed by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for county roads : The Norwegian Public Roads Administration manages funds for county roads on behalf of the county authorities. Road tolls are also included. These funds are not included in the national accounts for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The number of man-years in the statistics reflects the work carried out by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on both state and county roads.

Employment measured in contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves:

Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves : The number of full-time jobs and part-time jobs calculated as full-time equivalents adjusted for doctor-certified sickness absence and maternity leave.

Other indicators:

Number of kms of state roads: The number of kms of state roads that are managed and maintained by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Source: The Norwegian Road Data Bank (NRDB).

Number of kms of footpaths and bicycle paths by state roads: The number of kms of footpaths and bicycle paths by state roads that are managed and maintained by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Source: Manual reports.

Number of kms of maintained tunnels on state roads : The total number of kms of tunnel lanes and tunnel arms and ramps on state roads. Tunnels carrying a great deal of traffic will have several lanes and exit and entry arms and ramps. Tunnel lanes are parallel tunnels in opposite directions. Source: NRDB.

Share of kms of state roads with speed limit 50 km/h or lower: The share of the total kms of state roads managed by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration where the speed limit is 50 km/h, 40 km/h or 30 km/h. Source: NRDB.

Share of kms of state roads with speed limit 60 km/h: The share of the total kms of state roads managed by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration where the speed limit is 60 km/h. Source: NRDB.

Share of kms of state roads with speed limit 70 km/h: The share of the total kms of state roads managed by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration where the speed limit is 70 km/h. Source: NRDB.

Share of kms of state roads with speed limit 80 km/h or higher: The share of the total kms of state roads managed by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration where the speed limit is 80 km/h, 90 km/h or 100 km/h. Source: NRDB.

Number of vehicles carried by Norwegian state road ferries: All motorised vehicles carried by Norwegian state road ferries are included. Source: Ticketing data from the Ferry Data bank.

Number of driving licenses issued: All first time issues, reissues, expansions and substitutions of driving licenses are included. Source: Autosys.

Number of first time vehicle registrations: All vehicles that are registered for the first time in Norway in the statistical year (including used imports). Tractors, motor cycles, trailers and so on are not included. Source: Autosys.

Number of safety belt inspections: Safety belt inspections carried out by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Source: Manual reports.

Number of heavy transport vehicle inspections: Road side heavy transport vehicle inspections which includes document inspections and at least one of the following subjects: ADR, technical, securing of cargo, taxes/diesel or compliance with user instructions. Heavy transport vehicles are vehicles with a total weight of 3.5 tonnes or more. Source: Manual reports.

Share of tunnels on state roads with height restriction of 4 m or lower: The share of tunnels managed and maintained by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on state roads which have a vehicle height restriction of 4 m or lower. Source: NRDB.

Share of underpasses on state roads with height restriction of 4 m or lower: The share of underpasses on roads managed and maintained by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on state roads which have a vehicle height restriction of 4 m or lower. Source: NRDB.

Share of kms of state roads with permissible axle load of 10 tonnes: The share of the total kms of roads managed and maintained by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on state roads where the permissible axle load is 10 tonnes. Source: NRDB.

Share of kms of state roads with poor or very poor road surface: The share of state road surfaces that is classified as poor or very poor based on measurements of furrows (crosswise evenness) and lengthwise evenness (International Roughness Index &– IRI) on solid road surfaces. Poor road surfaces have a furrow depth of 18-24 mm or an IRI of 3.1-4.4 mm/m. very poor road surfaces have a furrow depth of more than 24 mm or an IRI of more than 4.4 mm/m. Source: Manual registrations from vehicle-mounted measurement equipment.

Number of kms of state roads opened for traffic last year: Includes both newly constructed state roads and improvements of existing state roads. Source: Project plans and reports.

Number of kms of four-lane state roads opened for traffic last year: Includes both newly constructed state roads and widening of existing state roads from two- and/or three-lane roads to four-lane roads. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Number of kms of continuous main routes for bicycles in selected cities and densely populated areas opened for traffic last year: Continuous grids for bicycle traffic which may include bicycle paths, bicycle lanes, roads with limited traffic and low speed limits, walking paths and so on. Covers the total length of actions that are carried out on these grids in selected cities and densely populated areas. The actions are considered as carried out in the year they are completed. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Goal achievement of state road ferries: Opening hours in per cent: The share of state road ferry links which fulfil the long term target for opening hours in the National Transport Plan 2006-2015. Source: Manual reports.

Goal achievement of state road ferries: Frequency in per cent: The share of state road ferry links which fulfil the long term target for ferry departures in the National Transport Plan 2006-2015. Source: Manual reports.

Goal achievement of state road ferries: Capacity in per cent: The share of state road ferry links which fulfil the long term target in the National Transport Plan 2006-2015 for the number of vehicles that are carried on the desired ferry departure. Source: Manual reports.

Number of state road sections/spots exposed to slides that was improved last year: State road sections exposed to slides are defined as road sections which have been closed three times or more in the last 20 years due to slides or road sections which has been subject to at least three incidents/fallouts per kilometre. There may be several slide courses/slide areas (spots) along one slide exposed road section. The number of road sections/spots exposed to slides are charted for each construction project, and are considered improved in the year the project is completed. Source: Project plans and reports.

Number of kms of central barriers built on two- and three-lane state roads last year: Includes construction of central barriers which divides lanes in opposite directions on existing and newly built two- and three lane state roads. The central barriers are considered built in the year the project is completed. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Number of people killed or severely injured in road traffic accidents: The number of people who were seriously injured, very seriously injured or killed as a result of a road traffic accident. Source: The road traffic accident statistics compiled by Statistics Norway from the accident database of the Norwegian police: http://www.ssb.no/vtu_en/ .

Number of people killed in road traffic accidents: The number of people who died instantly or within 30 days from injuries related to a road traffic accident. Source: The road traffic accident statistics compiled by Statistics Norway from the accident database of the Norwegian police: http://www.ssb.no/vtu_en/ .

Number of moose, red deer, wild reindeer and roe deer killed by motor cars, last season: The number of moose, red deer, wild reindeer and roe deer that were registered as killed after being hit by a car. The statistics are compiled in accordance with the hunting year, which starts on 1 April in the previous year and ends on 31 March in the statistical year. Source: The statistics compiled by Statistics Norway from the reports of the municipal wildlife management departments: http://www.ssb.no/hjortavg_en/

Share of people using safety belts within built-up areas: Share of people using safety belts in an average car within built-up areas (50 km/h speed limit), including drivers, front seat passengers and back seat passengers. Only cars with a total weight of maximum 3.5 tonnes are counted. Source: Annual surveys (road side observations).

Share of people using safety belts outside built-up areas: Share of people using safety belts in an average car outside built-up areas (80 km/h speed limit), including drivers, front seat passengers and back seat passengers. Only cars with a total weight of maximum 3.5 tonnes are counted. Source: Annual surveys (road side observations).

Share of people complying with driving and resting time regulations regarding daily resting time: The share of drivers of heavy transport vehicles who comply with driving and resting time regulations regarding daily resting time. Source: Annual driving and resting time inspections.

Share of people complying with driving and resting time regulations regarding maximum daily driving time: The share of drivers of heavy transport vehicles who comply with driving and resting time regulations regarding maximum daily driving time. Source: Annual driving and resting time inspections.

Emissions of greenhouse gases from road traffic measured in CO2 equivalents: Estimated emissions of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), PFCs (perfluorocarbons), HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) from road traffic. Source: The Norwegian emission inventory estimated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency: http://www.ssb.no/agassn_en/ .

NOx emissions from road traffic: Estimated emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from road traffic. Source: The Norwegian emission inventory estimated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency: http://www.ssb.no/agassn_en/ .

Number of people living in areas exposed to hourly mean concentration levels of NO2 exceeding national goals from state road traffic: The estimated number of people living in homes or institutions close to state roads that are exposed to concentration levels of NO2 exceeding 150 μg/m3 for more than 8 hours a year. Source: Annual estimates from the estimation models VSTØY/VLUFT.

Number of people living in areas exposed to daily mean concentration levels of dust (PM10) exceeding national goals from state road traffic: The estimated number of people living in homes or institutions close to state roads that are exposed to concentration levels of PM10 exceeding 50 μg/m3 for more than7 days a year. Source: Annual estimates from the estimation models VSTØY/VLUFT.

Number of people exposed to indoor noise levels of more than 40 dB from state road traffic: The estimated number of people living in homes or institutions that are exposed to indoor noise levels of more than 40 dB from road traffic. Source: Annual estimates from the estimation models VSTØY/VLUFT.

Noise annoyance from road traffic, change in noise annoyance index: Index which is estimated by using default values for the noise annoyance experienced by an average person at various noise levels. The calculated annoyance at each noise level is multiplied by the number of people estimated to be exposed to the various noise levels from state road traffic. Source: Annual estimates from the estimation models VSTØY/VLUFT.

Number of decares encroachment in or close to national parks and special landscape areas caused by construction of state roads: Encroachments in or closer than 1 kilometre from national parks and special landscape areas. The encroachments are included in the statistics for the year the road is opened for traffic. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Number of decares encroachment in or close to national reserves caused by construction of state roads: Encroachments in or closer than 250 metres from national reserves. The encroachments are included in the statistics for the year the road is opened for traffic. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Number of national heritage sites that were lost or reduced in value because of state road construction: National heritage sites are reduced in value when they are exposed to a daily noise level equivalent of more than 55 dBA. The national heritage sites are included in the statistics for the year the road is opened for traffic. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Number of decares of cultural environments that were lost or reduced in value because of state road construction: Cultural environments are areas were national heritage sites forms a part of a greater environment, such as in building environments in cities and densely populated areas and in the cultivated landscapes caused by farming. Cultural environments are reduced in value when they are exposed to a daily noise level equivalent of more than 55 dBA. The cultural environments are included in the statistics for the year the road is opened for traffic. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Number of decares of cultivated landscapes that were lost or reduced in value because of state road construction: An overview of the officially charted cultivated landscapes of special importance is available on the web pages of the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management: http://www.dirnat.no/dirnat . The cultivated landscapes are included in the statistics for the year the road is opened for traffic. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Number of decares of farmland converted to transport use because of state road construction: Includes the number of decares of converted A-land. The converted farmland is included in the statistics for the year the road is opened for traffic. Source: The Project Data Bank.

Passengers, road transport: The number of passengers travelling on road vehicles, including drivers. Source: The statistics of domestic transport performances estimated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics: http://www.ssb.no/transpinn_en/ .

Passenger kilometres, road transport: The sum of all the work which is performed when road vehicles carries a certain number of people over a certain distance. Source: The statistics of domestic transport performances estimated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics: http://www.ssb.no/transpinn_en/ .

Tonnage carried, road transport: The gross weight of goods carried on road vehicles, including packaging. Source: The statistics of domestic transport performances estimated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics: http://www.ssb.no/transpinn_en/ .

Tonne-kilometres, road transport: The transport work which is performed when road vehicles carries a certain amount of goods over a certain distance. Source: The statistics of domestic transport performances estimated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics: http://www.ssb.no/transpinn_en/ .

Number of registered vehicles: All vehicles registered in the Norwegian Vehicle Register per 31.12 in the statistical year, excluding trailers and trade registered vehicles. Source: The statistics compiled by Statistics Norway based on data from the Norwegian Vehicle Register: http://www.ssb.no/bilreg_en/ .

Standard classifications

Resource input measured in NOK :

In StatRes, expenditures are classified according to international standards for compilation of national accounts, with special weight put on the definitions in IMF's Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001 (GFSM2001). The reclassifications of account data mentioned in section 4.1 are caused by this.

Administrative information

Regional level

National level.

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting



Historical data on the resource input in NOK is stored by Statistics Norway, and will only be used for statistical purposes. Most of the other indicators are based on the re-use of microdata which is stored in connection with Statistics Norway’s specialized statistics on similar areas or in the registers of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the StatRes-statistics for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration is to show the level of resources used by the central government for public roads, what this input provides in terms of activities and services, and what outcomes can be seen from the input.

The aim of StatRes is to develop and disseminate statistics and indicators of a high quality on resource input, activities, services, production and results of public sector activities. Public sector activities in this context are limited to central government. StatRes is pivotal to the development of statistics on the public sector, and aims to represent a framework for further developing the statistics that cover central government.

The StatRes project was started in 2005 and the first figures were published in 2007. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration was included in StatRes in the first quarter of 2010, with figures going back to 2006.

Users and applications

The target group of StatRes are users of statistics with some knowledge of and interest in central government activities, who require information about the use of resources, activities, services and outcome of state activities. Such users could be the general public, the media, politicians, pupils and students. StatRes shall also provide the authorities with information which supplements other information used in the administration of central government activities.

Coherence with other statistics

The StatRes indicators are based on, and should be viewed in context of, Statistics Norway’s specialized statistics on similar areas and the statistics compiled by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The indicators for resource input are especially developed by Statistics Norway for use in StatRes, and may in some cases differ from similar figures presented in other accounting reports for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Trends in the resource input of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration should be interpreted in relation to the growth in road construction and administration costs, which for instance is estimated in the construction cost index for road construction compiled by Statistics Norway: http://www.ssb.no/bkianl_en/

When interpreting trends it is often necessary to view the indicators in context of the changes in traffic volumes, which for instance are measured in the traffic counts carried out by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and in calculations done by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics: http://www.ssb.no/transpinn_en/

Legal authority

Statistics Act sections 2-1, 2-2 (duty to provide information), 3-2 (administrative registers)

EEA reference




The statistics show the central governments input of resources to roads and road traffic through the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, which consists of the Directorate of Public Roads and five regional offices.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is responsible for planning, constructing and operating the state road network, vehicle inspections and requirements, driver training and licensing. The agency is also responsible for purchasing ferry services for the state road network.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration also manages funds for county roads on behalf of the county authorities. The number of man-years in the statistics reflects the work carried out by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on both state and county roads. The results of the public input of resources connected to county and municipal roads is presented in the national information base on municipal and county activities, KOSTRA.

Data sources and sampling

The data basis for the indicators is collected from various sources:

Resource input measured in NOK :

The data sources are the basic data used for formulating White Paper no. 3 &– the national accounts, collected from the Government Agency for Financial Management, and additional financial information supplied by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Balance sheet items and net earnings are not included.

Employment measured in contracted man-years :

Statistics Norway’s register-based personnel statistics are based on individually-based register data from various registers. Information on employment conditions are taken from the Employer/Employee Register (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service) and the Wages and Tax Deductions Register (Directorate of Taxes), and salary registers. The Central Coordinating Register of Legal Entities and the Register of Business Enterprises provide details of industries and sectors for enterprises and underlying businesses. In addition, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service's registers of persons on labour market initiatives, recipients of maternity pay and cash benefits, as well as Statistics Norway's register of certified sick leave are also used.

Other indicators :

The data basis for most of the other indicators is supplied by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The data sources within the Norwegian Public Roads Administration are registers like the Norwegian Road Data Bank (NRDB) and Autosys, registrations done in connection with planning and completing road construction projects (from the Project Data Bank and similar archives), manual reports compiled from various units in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and annual estimates from the estimation models VSTØY/VLUFT (see also 4.1).

The number of people killed and severely injured in road traffic is taken from Statistics Norway’s road traffic accident statistics, which is based on the Police's database of accidents: http://www.ssb.no/vtu_en/

The number of cervids killed by traffic is taken from the statistics compiled by Statistics Norway based on reports from the municipal wildlife management departments: http://www.ssb.no/hjortavg_en/

Some of the pollution indicators are taken from the Norwegian emission inventory, which is estimated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency: http://www.ssb.no/agassn_en/

Some of the traffic volume figures are taken from calculations done by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics: http://www.ssb.no/transpinn_en/

The number of registered vehicles is taken from the statistics compiled by Statistics Norway based on data from the Norwegian Vehicle Register: http://www.ssb.no/bilreg_en/

The statistics are mainly based on a total count. Some of the indicators may however be based on survey samples. If so, this is specified in the definitions in section 4.1.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

The data basis for the indicators are taken from various external sources, as mentioned in sections 3.2 and 3.3.

Resource input measured in NOK:

Indicators based on accounting data are compared with the corresponding figures in the Central Government's fiscal account and the accounts of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Employment measured in contracted man-years :

For the three most central registers concerning the production of the register-based employment statistics, the following checks and revision is used: The National Insurance Administration conducts an annual control of the Register of Employers and Employees. Employers using manual reporting, receive lists over all individuals registered with an active employment. Errors are reported to the Social Security offices. Statistics Norway controls that enterprises with more than one establishment have separate numbers for each, and that the employees are registered on the establishment in which they work. This is important in order to ensure correct information about industry and location of the workplace. Statistics Norway also controls the Register of Employees by comparing it with the End of the Year Certificate Register, etc.

Other indicators :

Controls and revisions are mainly carried out by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. A visual inspection of all data is also carried out by the executive officer in Statistics Norway.

Resource input measured in NOK:

The data basis from the Government Agency for Financial Management is examined in order to identify the sections that fall within the scope of the statistics. There is only one section, 1320 the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, that covers this area of StatRes, and most amounts charged under this section are included in the basis for the estimations. The exceptions are balance sheet items and net earnings. Any amounts charged by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration under other sections of the national accounts are also included in the calculations (although these sums are relatively small). In addition to this, amounts connected to projects financed by external contributions (toll roads, advance payments, grants) and the county roads accounts are also included in the StatRes figures. Such external contributions are included in the resource input for the year in which they are spent.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administrations expenses connected to compensation of employees, purchase of goods and services, contracting expenses for operating and maintenance services on state roads, investments, transfers and county roads are supplied separately by the Directorate of Public Roads. This is due to the fact that The Norwegian Public Roads Administration uses a different grouping of some of the amounts than the one that are used in StatRes. Statistics Norway rearranges these amounts in order to ensure coherence with other StatRes areas. As a result of this, the investment figures for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration are smaller in StatRes than in other accounting reports for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

When calculating the resource input relating to wages, recognised wage reimbursements are deducted from the reported wage expenses (if credited in section 1320, item 15-18). On the other hand, non-reported premiums to cover the pension obligations of employees, estimated to 15 per cent of the reported gross wages, are added to the wage expenses. The reason for this is described in more detail under item 4.1.

Employment measured in contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves:

Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves are calculated by Statistics Norway as the number of full-time jobs and part-time jobs calculated as full-time equivalents adjusted for doctor-certified sickness absence and maternity leave. Contracted man-years are calculated as percentage of normal full time job (37.5 hours per week). This is done on the basis of contracted working hours at the reference date, which is the third week in November in the statistical year, which is assumed to be representative for the whole year. The number of contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves will not be identical with the man-years actually worked, since the statistics do not capture overtime, self-certified sickness absence, holiday or other deviations from agreed working hours other than doctor-certified sickness absence and maternity leave. For employees with several working engagements for the Government during the reference week, the man-years adjusted for long term leaves are calculated for each working engagement and added to each of the governmental agencies who are registered as employers.

Other indicators :

See section 4.1.


Statistics Norway disseminates statistics on government agencies such as the Norwegian Public Roads Administration without consideration to confidentiality restrictions regarding the possibility of identifying the source of statistical information.

Comparability over time and space

Statistics for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration was first published in StatRes in 2010, with indicators for the years 2006-2008. Unless otherwise specified, the individual indicators are comparable from the statistical year 2006.

As a part of the public administration reform in 2010, responsibility for close to 17 000 kilometres of the previous state road grid of about 27 000 kilometres where transferred to the county authorities. Accordingly, there will be a break in the time series for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration starting from the statistics for 2010 (which is disseminated in 2011).

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Resource input measured in NOK:

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration keeps accounts in accordance with the rules of the central government’s appropriation regulations, including circular R-101. The Office of the Auditor General of Norway carries out controls to ensure that the accounting is in accordance with these rules. Errors in the accounts data in relation to these rules are only expected to be marginal.

One weakness of the data basis is that the pension premiums are not charged at activity level. This is compensated for by Statistics Norway when processing the figures. The correction of 15 Per cent can deviate somewhat from the actual size, but Statistics Norway believes that a theoretically correct mark-up will never be far from the estimate of 15 per cent.

However, the accounts data has certain weaknesses such as the tool for measuring resource input in NOK, which can entail measurement errors. One such weakness is that the capital stock is not capitalised and depreciated, and no costs are registered in connection with the binding of government capital brought about by the activity. Inadequate registration of the capital costs in the form of depreciation and calculated interest costs normally entail the indicators for resource input measured in NOK represented by own production being lower than is actually the case.

Compensation of employees and purchase of goods and services connected to the road construction projects are included in investment figures in the accounting data for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. In order to ensure coherence with other StatRes areas, Statistics Norway extracts these costs from investments and includes them in the own production of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The investment figures for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will therefore be smaller in StatRes than in other accounting reports for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Using cash accounting instead of the accruals principle is not expected to have substantial effects on the measured levels of the various amounts.

Employment measured in contracted man-years:

The data quality concerning the very shortest and most sporadic periods of employment will be poorer than for employment that has been reported to the employee register. For persons who are defined as employed only on the basis of information from Register of Wages and Deductions, the employment is not dated. This accounts for only a small share of the agreed man-hours excluding long absences in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. For about one half of these, information is obtained from other registers so as to put a date on the period of employment. For the remainder, information about amount of annual wages is used as a basis for determining whether a person is considered to be employed. There is thus a certain degree of uncertainty whether all Register of Wages and Deductions employment was actually active on the reference date for the register-based employment statistics (third week of November).

Other indicators :

The data basis for most of the other indicators is supplied by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (see 3.2). Control and revision of this information is carried out by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. A visual inspection of new annual data is also carried out by the executive officer in Statistics Norway. The scope of measurement errors and processing errors in the registered data is unknown, but is not believed to introduce systematic errors in the results.

For a more detailed description of measurement and processing errors for indicators that are taken from other statistics compiled by Statistics Norway, see About the statistics for the statistic areas below:

The number of people killed and severely injured in road traffic is taken from Statistics Norway’s road traffic accident statistics, which is based on the Police's database of accidents: http://www.ssb.no/vtu_en/

The number of cervids killed by traffic is taken from the statistics compiled by Statistics Norway based on reports from the municipal wildlife management departments: http://www.ssb.no/hjortavg_en/

Some of the pollution indicators are taken from the Norwegian emission inventory, which is estimated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency: http://www.ssb.no/agassn_en/

Some of the traffic volume figures are taken from calculations done by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics: http://www.ssb.no/transpinn_en/

The number of registered vehicles are taken from the statistics compiled by Statistics Norway based on data from the Norwegian Vehicle Register: http://www.ssb.no/bilreg_en/

The statistics is mainly compiled from a total count of data from the registers of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and other public register sources. Non-response errors may nevertheless occur as a result of units wrongly being left out of registers or samples used for some of the indicators. The scope of such errors in the data is not known.

The statistics is mainly compiled from a total count of data from the registers of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and other public register sources. Sampling errors may nevertheless occur as a result of units wrongly being left out of registers or samples used for some of the indicators. The scope of such errors in the data is not known.

There may be coverage errors in the statistics due to time gaps in registration or errors in the update of the register information used for some of the indicators. The scope of such errors in the data is not known.