Education;Public sector;Immigration and immigrants

Introduction programme for immigrants2016



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List of Tables
NumberTable titleNew window ExcelCSV
Table 1Participants by age and sexfullscreen-iconParticipants by age and sexexcel-iconParticipants by age and sexcsv-iconParticipants by age and sex
Table 2Participants of introduction programme, by country of birth and sexfullscreen-iconParticipants of introduction programme, by country of birth and sexexcel-iconParticipants of introduction programme, by country of birth and sexcsv-iconParticipants of introduction programme, by country of birth and sex
Table 3Participants of introduction programme, sex and selected municipalities (100 or more participants)fullscreen-iconParticipants of introduction programme, sex and selected municipalities (100 or more participants)excel-iconParticipants of introduction programme, sex and selected municipalities (100 or more participants)csv-iconParticipants of introduction programme, sex and selected municipalities (100 or more participants)
Table 4Participants of introduction programme, by sex and programme status by the end of the yearfullscreen-iconParticipants of introduction programme, by sex and programme status by the end of the yearexcel-iconParticipants of introduction programme, by sex and programme status by the end of the yearcsv-iconParticipants of introduction programme, by sex and programme status by the end of the year
Table 5Participants of introduction programme by sex an measuresfullscreen-iconParticipants of introduction programme by sex an measuresexcel-iconParticipants of introduction programme by sex an measurescsv-iconParticipants of introduction programme by sex an measures

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