Educational attainment of the population1 October 2015


All releases for Educational attainment of the population - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
20 June 2016 1 October 2015 Two in ten refugees have higher education
18 June 2015 1 October 2014 Higher education among the young increasing
19 June 2014 1 October 2013 More women attain tertiary education
18 June 2013 1 October 2012 Major changes in level of education
19 June 2012 1 October 2011 Variation in immigrants’ level of education
9 June 2011 1 October 2010 Tertiary attainment continues to rise
25 June 2010 1 October 2009 Nearly half the population of Oslo have a higher education
23 September 2004 1 October 2003 Education levels continue to rise
31 October 2002 1 October 2001 Sharp increase in educational level
7 March 2001 1 October 1999 Highest level of education among young people
31 October 2003 1 October 2002 Most females with tertiary education
13 December 2001 1 October 2000 Rise in level of education since 1970
26 August 2005 1 October 2004 Highest level of education among young women
14 September 2006 1 October 2005 One in four have a tertiary education
27 August 2007 1 October 2006 Most men with long tertiary education
21 August 2008 1 October 2007 Highest education in university counties
25 August 2009 1 October 2008 Half of young females have higher education

For previous releases also see: Educational attainment among immigrants.