Modest growth in external trade with ICT goods
External economy;Technology and innovation
iktuh, External trade in ICT goods (discontinued), export, import, trade balance, audio and video equipment, computers, electronic components, telecommunication equipmentInformation and communication technology - ICT, External trade , Technology and innovation, External economy

External trade in ICT goods (discontinued)2000-2005



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Modest growth in external trade with ICT goods

External trade with ICT goods is growing, but in less degree than the trade with traditional goods. Imports of ICT goods are dominated by computers and related equipment while exports are dominated by telecommunication equipment. Exports of ICT goods are highest in Oslo and Akershus and lowest in Hedmark and Oppland.

Exports and imports of ICT-goods distributed by subgroups. 2005. Million NOK

Imports and exports of ICT-goods, index for imports and exports of traditional commodities. 2000-2005. Million NOK

The statistics comprise the product group audio- and video equipment, computers and related equipment, electronic components, telecommunication equipment and other ICT goods. The delimitation is worked out by OECD and differs a little from the definition used earlier in this statistics. Because of this the figures published in this article can differ somewhat from the figures published earlier years. Preliminary figures from the External trade in goods constitute the foundation for the article. All figures are in current prices. See About statistics for more information.

In 2005, exports and imports of ICT goods amounted NOK 12 billion and 34.7 billion respectively. Compared with 2004 this is an increase of 6.4 and 2.6 per cent respectively. However this progress is lower than the trade with traditional goods. Therefore, ICT goods as part of total exports and imports of traditional goods have decreased.

Exports of ICT-goods distributed by subgroups and by part of the country. 2005. Million NOK

Exports of telecommunication equipment and imports of computers

Exports of ICT goods are dominated by telecommunication equipment. That amounted to NOK 4.4 billion or 36.8 per cent of total exports of ICT goods in 2005. In the same year, imports of computers and related equipment amounted NOK 14.5 billion or 41.8 per cent of total imports of ICT goods.

In the publication " Nordic Information Society Statistics " figures for exports and imports of ICT goods are available for the period 1996-2001
