External economy;Technology and innovation

External trade in ICT goods (discontinued)2000-2006


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: External trade in ICT goods (discontinued)
Topic: External economy

Responsible division

Transport, Tourism and ICT Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables


Imports comprise goods that are declared directly at the border crossing or via a customs' warehouse. Goods going directly from abroad to regular installations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf are not included, whereas goods via Norwegian customs district are included.


Exports comprise goods declared for exports directly from free circulation and from customs' warehouses.

Traditional goods

In the external trade statistics the term "traditional goods" means goods exclusive of ships and oil platforms and exports also exclusive of crude oil, natural gas and condensate.

Standard classifications

The classification of ICT goods are figured out by OECD and follow international nomenclature, the Harmonised Systems (HS 2002). For detailed description of the definition, click here .

Administrative information

Regional level

The national level and by customs district

Frequency and timeliness

Annual, within 9 months after the reference year.

International reporting

Not relevant


Storage of data: See "About the statistics" under the External trade in commodities .


Background and purpose

The purpose of the external trade statistics with ICT goods is to give information about the flow of commodity between Norway and other countries. The statistics was initialized in 1999 based on a nordic delimitation of ICT goods. In 2005 a classification figured out by OECD was selected as basis for the statistics.

Users and applications

The Ministry of Trade and Industry, business organisations, research institutes and the media use the statistics.

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics are comparable with countries that use the OECD classification of ICT goods.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, §§ 2-1, 2-3 and 3-2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics cover customs declared shipments of ICT goods. The classification of ICT goods used in this statistics are figured out by OECD and follow international nomenclature, the Harmonised Systems (HS).

Data sources and sampling

The statistics are based on figures from the External trade in commodities . Documentation of the basis of data can be found under "About the statistics".

Total counting. Customs' cleared consignments with a value of less than NOK 1000 are excluded from the statistics. Certain kinds of commodity flows are also excluded, for example goods for repair.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Administrative data from customs declarations are collected by the customs authority under the Customs Act.

See "About the statistics" under the External trade in commodities .

See "About the statistics" under the External trade in commodities .


Some figures on product groups from some parts of the country might be confidential, either because there are less than three respondents, one of the respondents stands for more than 90 per cent of the value or two of the respondents stands for more than 95 per cent of the value.

Comparability over time and space

The statistics on foreign trade with ICT goods was first published in 1999 with data back to 1995. The statistics was based on a delimitation of ICT goods developed by the national statistical offices in the Nordic countries. In 2003 OECD published a paper with a proposed classification of ICT goods. In conformity with other statistical offices, Statistics Norway is now using this classification. The classification differs somewhat from the classification used earlier years, and the figures for 2000-2004 which are published by both classifications are not directly comparable.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Collection errors can occur because of declaration errors because of misunderstandings etc. Examples of this are use of wrong commodity number or incorrect quantity.

Not relevant.

Not relevant.

Not relevant.