Increase in price of salmon
External economy;Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
laks, Export of salmon, farmed salmon, price of salmon, export quantity, fresh/chilled salmon, frozen salmonFishing , External trade , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, External economy

Export of salmonweek 36 2008



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Increase in price of salmon

In the period 01 September to 07 September, the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 27.99 per kilo. This is an increase of 5.8 per cent from the previous seven-day period.

The export quantity of fresh salmon was 9 287 tonnes in the period 01 September to 07 September, an increase of 3.8 per cent from the period 25 August to 31 August.

Norway exported 517 tonnes of frozen salmon at NOK 29.73 per kilo in the period 01 September to 07 September.

Table 1. August 2008 (01 September - 07 September)
Period Fresh or chilled (03021201,03021202) Frozen (03032201, 03032202)
Tonnes NOK/kg Tonnes NOK/kg
01 - 07 September 9 287 27.99 517 29.73
25 - 31 August 8 947 26.45 606 31.40
18 - 24 August 9 420 28.10 489 31.99
11 - 17 August 8 681 30.21 470 30.14
04 - 10 August 8 494 29.85 414 28.36
28 July - 03 August 8 191 28.59 738 30.07
21 - 27 July 7 698 29.41 435 31.08
14 - 20 July 8 921 29.81 558 28.85
07 July - 13 July 9 244 29.05 808 28.42
30 June - 06 July 9 692 26.49 1 093 28.13