Record high external trade in goods
External economy
muh, External trade in goods, import, export, balance of trade (export minus import), mainland exports, imports excluding ships and oil platforms, trade ( between countries, continents and trade regions), international product groups (for example hs, sitc and bec), product groups (for example food, crude oil and metals)External trade , External economy

External trade in goodsApril 2008



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Record high external trade in goods

Exports of goods came to NOK 79.9 billion in April 2008, and imports to NOK 42.5 billion. The Norwegian trade surplus was NOK 37.4 billion, an increase of 42.1 per cent compared with April last year.

In April 2008, both the import and the export values of goods showed record high results. The export value of NOK 79.9 billion is the highest recorded so far, while the import value of NOK 42.5 billion is the second highest, only outmatched by October 2007 (NOK 48.4 billion).

The upturn in the trade surplus was mainly due to an increase in exports of crude oil and natural gas. In April 2008, the total export value of crude oil, natural gas and condensates amounted to NOK 48.3 billion, an increase of NOK 11.7 billion compared with April last year. The export value of crude oil came to NOK 33.6 billion, an increase of 42.0 per cent. The average price of crude oil was NOK 570 per barrel, compared with NOK 407 per barrel in April last year.

Note that the Easter holiday last year took place in April, as opposed to March this year. This should be taken into consideration when comparing figures for April 2008 with corresponding period in 2007.

External trade in goods, excl. ships and oil platforms. NOK million
  January-April Change in per cent April Change in per cent
  2007 2008 2007 2008
1 Imports       148 808       157 566 5,9       36 352       42 512 17,0
2 Exports  257 036  306 592 19.3 62 667 79 911 27.5
Of which            
Crude oil 97 649  123 434 26.4 23 686 33 640 42.0
Natural gas 48 318 60 266 24.7 11 711 14 040 19.9
Condensates 2 356 3 816 62.0 1 199  625 -47.9
3 Exports excl. crude oil, natural gas and condensates  108 713  119 076 9.5 26 072 31 606 21.2
4 Trade balance (2-1)  108 228  149 026 37.7 26 315 37 399 42.1
5 Trade balance excl. oil, natural gas and condensates (3-1) -40 095 -38 490 . -10 280 -10 906 .

The export value of goods excluding ships, oil platforms, crude oil, condensates and natural gas was NOK 31.6 billion in April, compared with NOK 26.1 billion in April last year, an increase of 21.2 per cent. The primary cause to this development was an increase of the export value of the main group ‘machinery and transport equipment’ of NOK 2.8 billion, or 64.5 per cent.

In April, imports of goods excluding ships and oil platforms amounted to NOK 42.5 billion, compared with NOK 36.4 billion in April 2007, an increase of 17 per cent. This development was mainly due to an increase of the import value of the main groups ‘machinery and transport equipment’ and ‘manufactured goods classified chiefly by material’, with an increase of NOK 3.1 and 1.0 billion respectively, or 22.8 and 16.4 per cent.

Changes in the external trade statistics

From 15 May 2008, at 10 a.m., Statistics Norway’s website ssb.no is updated with final figures for 2007 and corrected figures for 2006.

There has been a change in location according to continent for Cyprus and some former Soviet states.

Changes in location according to Continent

Cyprus - from Asia to Europe

Countries fra Europe to Asia - see below









In addition there has been a change in the concept ‘developing countries’. From now on the OECD’s DAC list of ODA Recipients will be used.
