External economy

External trade in goodsMay 2019


Imports of goods from selected trade areas and countries, commodity groups by SITC. NOK million
So far this year
May 2019
Total importsFood and live animalsBeverages and tobaccoCrude materials, inedible, except fuelsMineral fuels, lubricants and related materialsAnimal and vegetable oils, fats and waxesChemicals and related products n.e.s.Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materialMachinery and transport equipmentMiscellaneous manufactured articlesCommodities and transactions
Total317 78520 3504 14019 60419 0692 61730 92347 587129 26943 753475
EU (incl. the Nordic countires)195 48012 7793 7427 71913 16686222 42830 77380 32523 233454
Nordic countries66 1814 3721 0673 8918 8236095 97711 26022 0267 722433
Developing countries55 1554 419895 4095748121 5955 84021 16615 23417
Russia7 83398375652 6966537982 00047830
India2 245462031023555552715690
Japan6 0614148202401 2944 0294440
China29 29739614202257353 76614 7399 2085
Singapore1 2427079004401063132970
South Korea9 66818024341685 5063 8371080
United States26 226474971512 436913 40089715 8752 8051
Canada6 20412064 8161830155466921850
Brazil3 5471 09102 10225092101108234
South Africa1 3052362177101153521458