Elections;Culture and recreation
The statistics show the political parties’ income in Norway. The incomes amounted to NOK 699 million and costs totalled NOK 795 million in 2015.

Political parties' financing2015


Central government subsidy by poltical party. NOK1
TotalOf which youth's poltical organisations
1The table incudes all units of political parties which have sent either a full report or a statement according the annual income received. For those units which have reported an income less than NOK 12 000 except government subsidies, the amounts used in the table are according to information received from the County Governor of Sogn og Fjordane or from the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation. The County Governor disburses the governmental funding on municipal and county level, the Ministry to the central organisations. For those units which have reported that mentioned income exceeded the amount of NOK 12 000, the amount reported from the unit itself has been used.
Total411 380 28327 278 601
Christian Democratic Party26 068 1851 580 293
Liberal Party25 095 9051 469 503
Socialist Left Party20 325 1051 168 883
Labour Party123 300 2859 114 949
Progress Party60 966 6753 642 742
Conservative Party106 906 3267 638 766
Centre Party26 586 5091 702 131
The Red party of Norway4 997 559434 074
Democratic Party of Norway239 195-
The Liberal People's Party81 374.
Coast Party104 37910 513
The Pensioners' Party1 871 485.
Norwegian green Party12 285 126468 972
Communist Party of Norway19 397-
Christian Coalition Party..
Sámeálbmot Bellodat..
The Pirate Party of Norway883 473-
The Christians' Party1 649 30547 775
Society Party-.
Cross-party Elected-.