Elections;Elections;Immigration and immigrants

Persons entitled to vote13 September 2021


Storting Election. Persons entitled to vote, by election district. Estimated figures
Electorate, totalPersons entitled to vote by age since last electionElectors 60 years or olderNorwegian citizens with an immigrant background who are entitled to vote
Last local election 18-19 yearsLast storting election 18-21 years
The whole country3 876 200117 300238 9001 273 400321 100
Østfold222 5006 90013 60078 70021 400
Akershus467 10016 30031 500148 80051 900
Oslo483 30011 80025 100118 30098 300
Hedmark151 6004 3008 70058 6006 700
Oppland132 4003 9007 90050 9005 600
Buskerud191 1005 80011 30067 60019 000
Vestfold182 0005 40010 90066 10012 100
Telemark130 7003 8007 80048 5008 500
Aust-Agder86 7002 6005 30030 3004 800
Vest-Agder137 2004 3009 20043 10010 500
Rogaland331 80011 10022 30099 70023 900
Hordaland381 60011 70024 400120 80021 600
Sogn og Fjordane78 3002 6005 30029 7002 200
Møre og Romsdal191 9006 10012 40070 5007 000
Sør-Trøndelag246 9007 00015 20076 70012 000
Nord-Trøndelag100 5003 2006 50037 0003 000
Nordland181 6005 30010 70067 4005 800
Troms124 5003 5007 40042 1004 500
Finnmark - Finnmárku54 5001 7003 40018 6002 300