More fuel, less everyday commodities
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption
bensin, Petrol stations, turnover statisticsWholesale and retail trade , Consumption, Income and consumption, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Petrol stations, turnover statisticsMay 2006



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More fuel, less everyday commodities

The sale of everyday commodities decreased at petrol stations in May 2006 compared to the same month last year. . But sale of fuel, fast food and workshop services increased..

In May 2006, the petrol stations in Norway sold for NOK 3.6 billion. Compared to the same month last year the total turnover increased by 9.9 per cent. Engine fuel and lubricants came to an amount of nearly 73 per cent of the total turnover in May 2006. This means that engine fuel and lubricants rose by 13.4 per cent or NOK 311 million from May 2005. The turnover of everyday commodities came to an amount of 14.5 per cent of the total turnover, this is a decrease of 4,3 per cent .Workshop service and car wash had the biggest increase, with 47.1 per cent in this period.

More food service - less everyday commodities

The five first months in 2006, the turnover for food service increased by 7.1 per cent while the turnover for everyday commodities declined by 2.4 per cent compared to the same period last year.

From January to May this year, the petrol stations sold engine fuel and lubricants for NOK 11.8 billion. Compared to the same period last year the sale increased by NOK 1.4 billion or 13.7 per cent.

Turnover statistics for petrol stations
  Turnover Change in per cent
  May 2006 January-May 2006 May 2005-
May 2006
January-May 2005-
January-May 2006
Total 3 614 957 16 025 227 9.9 10.0
Petrol and lubricants 2 633 126 11 751 581 13.4 13.7
Car equipment 73 590  352 423 10.9 -1.1
Everyday commodities  523 126 2 138 265 -4.3 -2.4
Other goods including music and video sales  110 952  482 862 -6.1 -5.5
Food service  178 056  774 482 6.3 7.1
Workshop service and car wash 65 371  391 889 47.1 12.6
Renting 11 440 47 643 21.5 21.0
Games/commision 19 296 86 082 40.1 41.2
