Everyday commodities for NOK 543 million
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption
bensin, Petrol stations, turnover statisticsWholesale and retail trade , Consumption, Income and consumption, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Petrol stations, turnover statisticsJuly 2006



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Everyday commodities for NOK 543 million

The petrol stations sold everyday commodities for NOK 543 million in July 2006. By comparison, grocery shops in Norway sold for NOK 10 billion the same month.

From July 2005 to July 2006 the turnover of everyday commodities rose by 0.3 per cent for petrol stations, while grocery shops increased the turnover by 2.5 per cent.

Petrol came to 73 per cent

The turnover of petrol came to an amount of 73.2 per cent, NOK 2.8 billion. In july 2006 the petrol stations in Norway sold for NOK 3.9 billion.

9 per cent increase so far this year

From January to July this year, the petrol stations sold for NOK 23.7 billion. The turnover increased by 9.2 per cent compared to the same period last year.

Turnover statistics for petrol stations
  Turnover Change in per cent
       July 2006      January-July
     July 2005-
July 2006
     January-July 2005 -
January-July 2006
Total 3 887 190 23 686 062 7.4 9.2
Petrol and lubricants 2 848 667 17 362 663 10.2 12.3
Car equipment 65 649  484 870 -8.2 -2.0
Everyday commodities  542 957 3 216 623 0.3 -0.5
Other goods including music and video sales       150 370  764 230 -4.7 -6.0
Food service  196 558 1 158 620 5.9 7.1
Workshop service and car wash 51 428  502 490 6.9 12.3
Renting 13 543 73 869 6.4 15.9
Games/commision 18 018  122 697 5.6 28.8
